2 MbN: Select the desired phone number.
a MDetailN a MSaveN
3 To store the name, continue from step 3,
“Editing entries”, page 18.
Storing caller information to the
2 MbN: Select the desired entry. a MDetailN
R To edit the number: MMenuN a MbN:
“Edit” a MSelectN
Press MEditN repeatedly until the
phone number is shown in the desired
format. And then, press MSaveN. Go to
step 5.
3 MMenuN
4 MbN: “Save CID” a MSelectN
5 MbN: “Phonebook” a MSelectN
6 Continue from step 3, “Editing entries”,
page 18.
Groups can help you find entries in the
phonebook quickly and easily. You can
change the names of groups (“Friends”,
“Family”, etc.). By assigning different ringer
tones for different groups of callers, you can
identify who is calling (ringer ID), if you have
subscribed to Caller ID service.
Changing group names/setting ringer
1 MWN or MFN W a MMenuN
2 MbN: “Group” a MSelectN
3 MbN: Select the desired group. a MSelectN
4 To change group names
MbN: “Group name” a MSelectN a Edit
the name (10 characters max.; page 17).
a MSaveN
To set group ringer tone
MbN: Select the current setting of the
group ringer tone. a MSelectN a MbN:
Select the desired ringer tone. a MSaveN
Finding and calling from a
phonebook entry
1 MWN or MFN W
2 To scroll through all entries
MbN: Select the desired entry. a M
To search by first character
Press the dial key (0 to 9, or #)
which contains the character you are
searching for (page 17).
MbN: Scroll through the phonebook if
necessary. a M N
To search by query
* a To search for the name, enter
the first characters (up to 4) in
uppercase (page 17). a MOKN
MbN: Scroll through the phonebook if
necessary. a M N
To search by group
MbN: Select the desired group. a
MbN: Scroll through the phonebook if
necessary. a M
3 MbN: Select the desired phone number.
a M
Editing entries
1 Find the desired entry (page 18). a
2 MbN: “Edit” a MSelectN
3 MbN: Select the desired item you want to
change. a MSelectN
4 To change the name and phone
Edit the name or phone number. a MOKN
To change the group:
MbN: Select the desired group. a MSelectN
To delete the picture:
MEraseN a MbN: “Yes” a MSelectN
5 MSaveN a MOFFN
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