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This appOiance is suppOied with a PouOded
three pin Pains pOug for your safety and
convenience which Pay be Parked and
rated either  aPps or  aPps.
$  aPp or  aPp fuse is Àtted according
to the type of Pains pOug Àtted.
6houOd the fuse need to be repOaced pOease
ensure that the repOacePent fuse has the
correct rating for the type of Pains pOug
Àtted and that it is approved by $6T$ or %6,
to %6,.
&heck for the $6T$ Park or the %6,
Park on the body of the fuse.
If the fuse cover is detachable, never
use the plug with the cover omitted.
A replacement fuse cover can be
purchased from your local Panasonic
How to replace the fuse
Open the fuse
with a
screwdriver and
replace the fuse.
,) T+( ),TT(' MO8/'(' P/8* ,6
8168,T$%/( )OR T+( 6O&.(T O8T/(T
,1 <O8R +OM( T+(1 T+( )86( 6+O8/'
%( R(MO9(' $1' T+( P/8* &8T O))
$1' ',6PO6(' O) 6$)(/< $1' $1
$PPROPR,$T( O1( ),TT('. T+(R( ,6 $
'$1*(R O) 6(9(R( (/(&TR,&$/ 6+O&.
,) T+( &8T O)) P/8* ,6 ,16(RT(' ,1TO
$1<  $MP 6O&.(T.
,f a new pOug is to be Àtted pOease observe
the wiring code as shown opposite. ,f in any
doubt pOease consuOt a TuaOiÀed eOectrician.
)or 8... ModeOs onOy
Warning: this appliance must be earthed.
The wires in this Pains Oead are coOoured
in accordance with the foOOowing code
*reenandyeOOow (arth. %Oue 1eutraO.
%rown /ive.
$s the coOours of the wire in the Pains Oead
of this appOiance Pay not correspond with the
coOoured Parkings identifying the terPinaOs
in your pOug proceed as foOOows
The wire which is coOoured *R((1$1'
<(//O: Pust be connected to the terPinaO
in the pOug which is Parked with the Oetter ( or
by the (arth syPboO or coOoured *R((1
or *R((1$1'<(//O:.
The wire which is coOoured %/8( Pust be
connected to the terPinaO in the pOug which is
Parked with the Oetter 1 or coOoured %/$&..
The wire which is coOoured %RO:1 Pust be
connected to the terPinaO in the pOug which is
Parked with the Oetter / or coOoured R('.
:hen this oven is instaOOed it shouOd be easy
to isoOate the appOiance froP the eOectricity
suppOy by puOOing out the pOug or operating a
circuit breaker.
Voltage & Power
The voOtage used Pust be the saPe as
speciÀed on this Picrowave oven. 8sing a
higher voOtage than that which is speciÀed
is dangerous and Pay resuOt in a Àre or
other type of accident causing daPage.
'o not iPPerse cord pOug or oven in water.
.eep cord away froP heated surfaces. 'o not
Oet cord hang over the edge of tabOe or work
top. 'o not pOug your oven in via an e[tension
cabOe as this can be dangerous. ,t is iPportant
to pOug the oven directOy into a waOO socket.
The back of the appOiance heats up during
use. 'o not aOOow the cord to be in contact
with the back of the appOiance or cabinet
Important safety instructions Please read carefully and keep for
future reference
IP4405_39Y61BP_01_120817.indd 8IP4405_39Y61BP_01_120817.indd 8 2012-8-17 13:38:152012-8-17 13:38:15

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