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Dish shape
Ring mouOds are ideaO for baking cakes in,
especiaOOy dense cakes. They heOp prevent
the outside edge of the cake overcooking
before the dense centre is cooked through.
Keeping quality
Light sponge type cakes cook very TuickOy
by microwave and so shouOd be cooked as
reTuired, since their keeping TuaOity is not
as Oong as those baked traditionaOOy.
GeneraOOy cakes to be cooked by
microwave shouOd have a softer
consistency than those baked traditionaOOy.
As a generaO ruOe add 150 mO 1 tbsp of
miOk or water to the mi[ture.
Just as you wouOdnҋt cover a cake baked
in a traditionaO oven, 1E9ER cover your
cakes cooked by microwave.
Dish size
AOways use the e[act dish size stated in the
foOOowing recipes, otherwise cooking times
and resuOts wiOO be affected.
&akes cooked by microwave need to be
weOO mi[ed, but not over beaten. GeneraOOy
it is unnecessary to cream butter and sugar
or beat eggs in an eOectric mi[er or food
processor. 'o not attempt to cook whisked/
fatOess sponges, or any cakes containing
whisked egg white.
The foOOowing recipes have been tested
using medium eggs. Using a different size
of egg may affect cooking times.
100g (4 oz) self raising flour
100g (4 oz) soft margarine
100g (4 oz) caster sugar
2 eggs
30 ml (2 tbsp) milk*
Dish: 18 cm (7”) souffle dish,
based lined with greaseproof
Sponge Cake*
&ombine aOO ingredients together in a Oarge bowO. Mi[ weOO untiO
smooth. For best resuOts use an eOectric whisk Tip into prepared dish
and smooth the top. POace on gOass turntabOe and cook on ME',UM
power for mins. &ooO for 10 mins before turning out onto a rack. The
cake is cooked when it has Must dried on the top. 'o not overcook as
overcooked cakes staOe TuickOy.
:hen using this recipe for sponge pudding program, omit the 0 mO
 tbsp miOk. FOavourings can be mi[ed in e.g. dried fruit, or toppings
Ma[. 0 mO/ tbsp can be pOaced in the bottom of the bowO e.g. Mam/
treacOe/pineappOe rings. ,t is important not to use too much as this wiOO
cause the pudding to undercook.
100g (4 oz) plain chocolate
100g (4 oz) butter
100g (4 oz) soft dark brown
100g (4 oz) self-raising flour
10 ml (2 tsp) cocoa powder
pinch salt
2 eggs, beaten
3 ml (½ tsp) vanilla essence
100g (4 oz) walnuts, chopped
Dish: 20 cm (8”) square dish
base lined with greaseproof
Boston Brownies
POace chocoOate and butter in a bowO, pOace on gOass turntabOe and cook
on +,G+ power for 1 minute or untiO chocoOate has meOted. Stir in aOO
other ingredients and beat weOO. Pour into dish and cook on ME',UM
power for 5 mins or untiO Must sOightOy sticky. AOOow to cooO and then cut
into sTuares.
IP4405_39Y61BP_01_120817.indd 72IP4405_39Y61BP_01_120817.indd 72 2012-8-17 13:38:272012-8-17 13:38:27

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