You can use the remote control to operate a Panasonic television.
To play audio from your television through your home
theater system
Connect your equipment referring to “Connect to the
various television terminals” (\ page 9).
For Continental Europe
Press [EXT-IN] to select “TV” as the source. Then reduce
the volume on the television to its minimum, and control
the volume on this main unit.
For Southeast Asia, Thailand, the Middle East, South Africa,
Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
Press [AUX] to select “AUX” as the source. Then reduce
the volume on the television to its minimum, and control
the volume on this main unit.
• The remote control may not work properly with some models.
• You can enjoy 5.1-channel surround sound when you turn on
Sound Field Control (MOVIE, SPORT or MUSIC) (\ page 27).
Optional connection for set top box, cable TV box or video cassette recorderOptional connection for set top box, cable TV box or video cassette recorder
Rear panel of
this main unit
(not included)
Audio cable
(not included)
Rear panel of
this main unit
Video cable
(not included)
For Continental Europe
For Southeast Asia, Thailand,
the Middle East, South Africa,
Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
Video cassette
(not included)
Audio cable
(not included)
Rear panel of
this main unit
Set top box
(not included)
(not included)
Rear panel of
this main unit
SCART cable (not included)
For Continental Europe
For Southeast Asia, Thailand, the Middle East, South Africa,
Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
Cable TV
box or video
(not included)
RF cable
(not included)
To your cable TV service or television antenna
Aim the remote control at the television.
To switch the television on or off
Press [y, TV].
To switch the television’s video input mode
Press [TV/AV].
Adjust the volume
Press [+, –, TV VOLUME].
For Continental Europe
This audio connection will enable you to play audio from
your video cassette recorder through your home theater
• Press [EXT-IN] (\ page 12) to select “AUX” as the source
to operate the audio input from the remote control.
Optional audio connection for video cassette recorder or televisionOptional audio connection for video cassette recorder or television
SCART cable
(not included)
• To listen to the
sound from the television,
select the appropriate
audio out (example:
Monitor) on the television.
Sound from the television
• Press [EXT-IN] (\ see below) to select the “TV” audio input on the
remote control.
For Southeast Asia, Thailand, the Middle East, South Africa,
Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
This audio connection will enable you to play audio from
your television through your home theater system.
• Press [AUX] (\ page 12) to select “AUX” as the source to
operate the audio input from the remote control.
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