Declaration of Conformity (DoC)
Hereby , Panasonic A VC Networ ks Singapore P te. Ltd. (P A VCSG) de clares
that this product is in compliance with the essent ial requirements and ot her
rele vant provisions of Directiv e 1999/5/EC . Customers can download a
copy of the original DoC to our R&T TE products from our Do C server :
Contact in the EU: P anasonic Services Europe, a Division of P anasonic
Marketing Europe GmbH, Panaso nic T esting Centre, W insbergring 15,
22525 Hamburg, F . R. Ger many
This product is intended to be used in the follo wing cou ntries: A T (Austria),
BE (Belgium ), BG (Bulgar ia), CH (Swit zerland), CZ (Czech Republic), DE
(Germany), DK (Denmark), EE (Estonia), ES (Spain), FI (Finlan d), FR
(F rance), GR (Greece), HU (Hungary), IT (Italy), L T (Lithuania),
L V (Latvia), NL (Netherlands), NO (Norw ay), PL (P oland), PT (P or tugal),
RO (Romania ), SE (Sweden), SI (Slov enia), SK (Slov akia), GB (United
Kingdom), IS (Icelan d), IE (Ireland)
Françai s
Declaración de conformidad (DoC)
Por la pres ente, Pan as onic AVC Networks Sing a pore Pte. Ltd. (PAVCSG)
declar a qu e e s te prod u cto c u mple con lo s re qu isito s bá sico s y otr as
dis pos iciones relev a ntes de la Norm a tiva 1999/5/ de l a Comunid a d Europe a.
Los cliente s pu eden de sc a rga r una copi a origin al de e st a Decl ar ación de
conformida d par a nue s tros producto s R&TTE des de nue stro s ervidor DoC:
http://www.doc.pan as onic.de
Informa ción de cont a cto en l a Unión E u ropea : P an as onic S ervices Eu rope,
a Divi sion of P an asonic M arketing E urope Gm bH, P anasonic Te sting
Centre, Winsb ergring 15, 22525 Ham bu rg, F. R. Germany
Es te prod u cto e s tá pen sa do p a ra su uso en lo s sig uiente s p aí se s :
AT (Austri a ), BE (Bélgica ), BG (Bulg ari a ), CH (Suiz a ), CZ (Repúblic a Checa)
DE (Alema nia ), DK (Din am a rca ), EE (Es tonia), ES (Esp añ a ), FI (Finlandi a),
FR (Franci a), GR (Greci a), HU (H ungrí a ), IT (Itali a), LT (Litua ni a),
LV (Letonia ), NL (Paí se s B ajo s ), NO (Norueg a ), PL (Polonia ), PT (Portug a l),
RO (Rum ani a), S E (Sueci a), S I (Esloveni a), SK (Eslov aqu i a),
GB (Reino Unido), IS (Is la ndia ), IE (Irla nda )
Konformitäts erklärung
Hiermit erklärt Pan as onic AVC Networks Sing a pore Pte. Ltd. (PAVCS G),
dass s ich die s es Prod u kt in Überein stimm ung mit den Minde st anforder ungen
und anderen relev anten A ufl agen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EC befindet.
Eine Kopie der Original-Konformität serklär u ng (DoC) zu un s eren
R&TTE-Produ kten k a nn von un s erem DoC- S erver her untergela den
werden: http://www.doc.pan asonic.de
Ans prechpa rtner in der EU: P an as onic S ervices Eu rope, a Divi sion of
Pa nas onic M a rketing E u rope Gm b H, P a nas onic Testing Centre,
Winsb ergring 15, 22525 H am bu rg, F. R. Germ a ny
Die Benutz u ng diese s Produkt
s be schränkt sich auf folgende Länder:
AT (Ös terreich), BE (Belgien), BG (Bu lga rien), CH ( S chweiz),
CZ (Ts chechien), DE (Deut schl a nd), DK (Dänema rk), EE (Estla nd),
ES ( S pa nien), FI (Finnl a nd), FR (Fr a nkreich), GR (Griechenl a nd),
HU (Unga rn), IT (Ita lien), LT (Litau en), LV (Lettla nd), NL (Niederlande),
NO (Norwegen), PL (Polen), PT (Portug a l), RO (Rumänien), S E (S chweden),
SI ( Slowenien), SK ( Slow akei), GB (Vereinigte s Königreich), I S (I sl and),
IE (Irland)
Déclaration de conformité (DoC)
Pa r l a pré s ente, P a nasonic AVC Network s Sing apore Pte. Ltd. (PAVC SG)
décla re qu e le pré s ent produ it es t comp a tib le a vec le s principale s
exigences et au tres di s pos itions de l a directive 1999/5/EC.
Les client s pe u vent téléch a rger su r notre s erveu r DoC u ne copie de l a
Déclar a tion de conformité origin a le concerna nt no s prod u its R&TTE:
http://www.doc.pan asonic.de
Conta ct en Eu rope: P an as onic S ervices Eu rope, a Divi s ion of Pan asonic
Ma rketing E u rope Gm b H, P a nasonic Te s ting Centre, Win sb ergring 15,
22525 Ham burg, F. R. Germ any
Ce produ it es t destiné à être u tilis é dan s les pay s su iva nts : AT (A u triche),
BE (Belgique), BG (B ulg a rie), CH (Sui ss e), CZ (Rép ubli qu e Tchèque),
DE (Allema gne), DK (D a nema rk), EE (E s tonie), E S (E sp a gne),
FI (Finla nde), FR (Fra nce), GR (Grèce), HU (Hongrie), IT (Ita lie),
LT (Litua nie), LV (Létonie), NL (Pay s-B as ), NO (Norvége), PL (Pologne),
PT (Portug a l), RO (Roum anie), SE ( Suéde), SI ( Slovénie), SK ( Slov aquie),
GB (Royau me-Uni), IS (Is la nde), IE (Irla nde)
Dichiarazione di conformità (DC)
Con la pres ente, Pan asonic AVC Network s Sing apore Pte. Ltd. (PAVCSG)
dichiar a che il pre s ente prodotto è conforme a i requ is iti fond amenta li e
ad altre di spo sizioni corri spondenti dell a Direttiv a 1999/5/EC.
I clienti possono sc aric are un a copia della DC origina le rel a tiva a i no s tri
prodotti R&TTE da l nostro server adi bito a t ale servizio:
http://www.doc.pan as onic.de
Per l’Eu ropa , cont a tta re: P an as onic S ervices Europe, a Divi
sion of
Pa nas onic M a rketing E u rope Gm b H, P a nas onic Testing Centre,
Winsb ergring 15, 22525 H am bu rg, F. R. Germ a ny
Il pres ente prodotto è ad atto all’ us o nei s egu enti p aesi: AT (A ustri a),
BE (Belgio), BG (Bu lga ria ), CH ( S vizzera ), CZ (Rep. Cec a ), DE (Germ a nia),
DK (Da nima rca ), EE (E s tonia ), E S (Sp agna ), FI (Finl a ndia ), FR (Fra ncia ),
GR (Grecia ), HU (Ungheria ), IT (Itali a), LT (Litua ni a ), LV (Lettonia ), NL
(Pae s i Bass i), NO (Norvegi a ), PL (Poloni a ), PT (Portog a llo), RO (Rom a nia ),
SE ( Svezi a), SI ( Sloveni a), SK ( Slov acchi a), GB (Regno Unito),
IS (Is la nda ), IE (Irla nda )
Conformiteits verklaring (declaration of conformity – DoC)
Hierb ij verkl aart P an as onic AVC Network s S inga pore Pte. Ltd. (PAVC S G)
da t dit prod u ct voldoet aa n de e ss entile verei s ten en a ndere relev a nte
bep alingen v an de Richtlijn 1999/5/EC.
Kla nten k u nnen een kopie v a n de originele Conformiteit s verkla ring voor
onze R&TTE-produ cten downloa den va n onze DoC-s erver:
http://www.doc.pan as onic.de
Conta ct in de EU: P an as onic S ervices Eu rope, a Divi sion of Pan asonic
Ma rketing E u rope Gm b H, P a nas onic Te s ting Centre, Winsbergring 15,
22525 Ham bu rg, F. R. Germany
Dit produ ct is bedoeld voor ge br u ik in de volgende landen: AT (Oostenrijk),
BE (Belgi), BG (Bulg a rije), CH (Zwitzerla nd), CZ (Ts jechis e Rep ub liek),
DE (Duit sl a nd), DK (Denemarken), EE (E stl a nd), ES (Sp a nje), FI (Finla nd),
FR (Fra nkrijk), GR (Griekenla nd), HU (Honga rije), IT (Ita li), LT (Litouwen),
LV (Letla nd), NL (Nederla nd), NO (Noorwegen), PL (Polen), PT (Portug a l),
RO (Roemenië), SE (Zweden), SI ( Sloveni), S K (Slow a kije), GB (Verenigd
Koninkrijk), IS (IJs la nd), IE (Ierla nd)
verenss tämmels edeklaration (DoC, Declaration of Conformity)
Härmed deklarer a r, Pan asonic AVC Network s Sing apore Pte. Ltd.
(PAVCS G) a tt den här prod u kten överen ss tämmer med vä s entliga kr a v
och övriga releva nta be s tämmels er i Direktiv 1999/5/EC.
Ku nder k a n hämt a en kopi a a v origin a ldekl ara tionen för vår a R&TTE-
produ kter från vår DoC- s erver:
http://www.doc.pan as onic.de
Konta kt i EU: P an as onic S ervices Eu rope, a Divi s ion of P anas onic
Ma rketing E u rope Gm b H, P a nasonic Te s ting
Centre, Winsb ergring 15,
22525 Ham burg, F. R. Germ any
Den här produ kten är av sedd att använd as i följ a nde länder:
AT (Ös terrike), BE (Belgien), BG (Bulg a rien), CH (S chweiz),
CZ (Tjeckisk a republiken), DE (Ty skl a nd), DK (Danm a rk), EE (Estla nd),
ES ( S pa nien), FI (Finl a nd), FR (Fr a nkrike), GR (Grekl and), HU (Ungern),
IT (Ita lien), LT (Lit au en), LV (Lettla nd), NL (Nederländern a ), NO (Norge),
PL (Polen), PT (Portug al), RO (R umänien), S E (Sverige), S I (Slovenien),
SK ( Slov akien),GB (Fören ade K ung a
riket), IS (Is la nd), IE (Irla nd)
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