This guarantee is in addition to an d does not in a ny way affect any statutory or other rights of consum er purchasers. If w ithin the
applicable guarant ee period (as shown in 8 below) the ap pliance proves to be defective by reason of faulty des ign, workm anship or
materials , we unde rtake subj ect to the following cond itions to have the defective a ppliance (or a ny part or parts th ereof) repaired or at
our discretion re placed free of charge.
1. The appl iance sh all have be en purchase d and used sol ely within the EU/EEA coun tries an d used sol ely for domestic a nd
normal purpos es and in accordance w ith standa rd operating ins tructions and t he technica l and/or Safety Stan dards requi red in
the country w here the appl iance is to be used.
2. For app liances used in the U .K., Channel Isl ands, Isle of Man and R epublic of I reland the app liance should be retu rned
together w ith this guarantee an d proof of purchas e prom ptly on being found d efective, at the p urchasers r isk and expense, t o
the authorised dea ler from whom the appliance w as purchased or to the nearest autho rised Service D ealer. Al l enquiries m ust
be through such dea lers.
3. The guarant ee shall not app ly to dam age caused through fi re, accident, m isuse, wear and tear, ne glect, ic orrect adjustm ent or
repair, to dam age caused through installation, adapt ion, m odifications, or use in an improper m anner or inconsistent with the
technical and/or saf ety standards requ ired in the count ry where th is appliance is used, or to dam age occurring duri ng transit to
or from the purchas er.
4. If at any tim e during the guar antee period any part or parts of the app liance are rep laced with a part o r parts not supp lied or
approved by us or of a n objective qua lity safe and suit able for the app liance, or the app liance has been d ismantled or r epaired
by a person not authorised by us, the p urchaser sha ll not be ent itled to any rights an d/or rem edies under this guara ntee.
5. The purchase rs sole and ex clusive rem edy under this guarant ee against us is for the repa ir (or at our d iscretion the
replacem ent) of the appliance or any part or pa rts and no ot her rem edy, including, but n ot lim ited to, incidental or c onsequentia l
damage or loss of w hatsoever nature s hall be avai lable to the pu rchaser.
6. This guarantee shall not app ly to stylus, bulbs, batteries, dust c overs, dust bags, be lts, brushes, cab inet parts or a ny other p arts
of a li mited natural life.
7. Our decis ion on all m atters relating to com plaints shall be f inal. Any app liance or defective pa rt which has been replaced sha ll
become our prope rty.
8. The guarant ee period ap plicable to this appliance sha ll be 12 m onths.
Pan European Guarantee; Con ditions applicable in any cou ntry other th an the country of origin al purchase.
A. When the purchase r finds the app liance to be def ective, he shou ld promptly contact the p roper sales com pany or distributor in
the EU/EEA c ountr y or Tur key wher e this guarantee is claim ed, as indicated i n the “product se rvices guide” or the nearest
authorised dea ler together w ith the guarantee an d proof of d ate of purchase. T he purchaser w ill then be inform ed w hether
i The sales com pany or national dist ributor w ill handle the repa ir service or
ii The sales com pany or national dist ributor will arra nge for trans-sh ipment of the a ppliance to the E U/EEA cou ntry or
Turkey where the app liance w as originally m arketed, or
iii the purchaser m ay himself send the ap pliance to the sa les com pany or national distr ibutor in the EU /EEA cou ntry or
Turkey where the app liance w as originally m arketed
B. If the appliance is a product/m odel which is norm ally supplied by the sa les company or nat ional distributor in the country where
it is used by the purc haser, then t he appliance tog ether with the guarantee and pr oof of date o f purchase, shou ld be returned at
the purchaser’s risk and expense t o such sales com pany or distribut or, which wil l handle the repa ir service. In som e countries,
the affiliated sa les company or nat ional distributor w ill designate de alers or cer tain service centr es to execute th e repairs
invo lve d.
C. If the app lia nce is a product/m odel which is not norm ally supplied in the cou ntry where us ed, or if the app liances internal or
external product characteristics a re different from those of the equ ivalent model in the cou ntry where use d, the sa les company
or national d istributor m ay be able to have the guar antee repa ir service ex ecuted by obtain ing spare parts from the country
where the app liance was origina lly marketed, or it may be necessary t o have the guarant ee repa ir service executed by t he sales
company or nationa l distributor in the country where th e appliance w as original ly marketed. In eith er case the purchase r must
furnish this guara ntee and proof of date of purc hase. Any necessary t ransportat ion, both of the app liance and any spar e parts,
will be at the purchase rs risk and ex pense, and there m ay be a consequent de lay in the repai r service.
D. Wh en the consum er sends the app liance for rep air to the sales c ompany or nat ional distributor in the country of use of the
appliance, the serv ice will be prov ided on the sam e local term s and conditions ( including the per iod of guarant ee coverage ) as
prevail for the sam e model applia nce in the country of us e, and not th e country of initial sale in th e EU/EEA or Tu rkey. W here
the consumer sends the appliance for repair to the s ales com pany or national d istributor in the EU /EEA or T urkey wher e the
appliance was or iginally m arketed the repair serv ice will be prov ided on the local term s and conditions preva iling in the country
of ini tial sale in the EU/ EEA or Tur key.
E. Some product m odels requ ire adjustm ent or adaptation for pro per perfo rmance and safe use in safety or other tech nical
standards im posed or recomm ended by applicab le regulations. Fo r certain pro duct models the c ost of such adj ustment or
adaptation m ay be substantail and it may be difficult to satisfy local voltage r equirements and saf ety or other technical
standards. It is strongly recom mended that the purc haser invest igate these local techn ical and safety facto rs before usin g the
applian ce in anoth er EU/EEA country or Turkey.
F. T he guarant ee shall not cover the cost of any adj ustments or adapt ations to m eet local voltage req uirements and safety o r other
technical standards. The sales com pany or national d istributor m ay be in a position to m ake the necessary adj ustments or
adaptations to cer tain product m odels at the cost of the purchaser. H owever, for techn ical reasons it is not possible to adj ust or
adapt all product m odels to com ply with local voltage req uirements and safety or other tec hnical standards. Moreover w here
adaptations or a djustm ents are carried out the pe rformance of the appliance m ay be affected.
G. If in the opinion of t he sales com pany or nationa l distributor in the country w here the appliance is used the purch aser has the
necessary adj ustments or adaptations to local voltage requ irem ents and technical or safety standards proper ly made, any
subsequent guarantee repair serv ice will be prov ided as above indicated, prov ided the purchase r discloses the natu re of the
adjustm ent or adaptation if re levant to the repa ir. (It is recom mended that the pu rchaser shou ld not send adapt ed or adjusted
equipment for repa ir to the sa les company or the national distr ibutor in the count ry where the appliance was or iginally marketed
if the repa ir relates in any w ay to the adaptation or adjustm ent)
H. Th is gu arantee shall o nly be valid in territories s ubject to th e laws of the Euro pean Union and t he EEA, as well as Turke y.
Please keep the guar antee with your receipt.