20 GB/IE
GB IE Specification of the sound power level LWA in dB.
GB IE Check oil. Engine shipped without oil.
GB IE Check gas. Add as needed.
GB IE Connect the garden hose to the hose bib and to the pressure washer water inlet. Turn
water fully on.
GB IE After the high pressure hose is connected, pull spray gun trigger for about 1 min. to
purge all air before starting the engine.
GB IE Set the on/off switch to the “I/ON” position.
GB IE Slide to “Choke” position (skip this if engine is warm).
GB IE When starting engine, pull cord slowly until resistance is felt, and then pull rapidly to
avoid kickback.
GB IE Slide to “Run” position when the engine is warm enough to run.
GB IE After each starting attempt where engine fails to run, always point gun in a safe direc-
tion and squeeze spray gun trigger to release high pressure.
GB IE Turn engine off when done. Always point gun in safe direction and squeeze spray gun
trigger to release retained water pressure. Engage trigger lock when not in use.