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PPoowweerr aammpplliiffiieerr sseeccttiioonn::
RRaatteedd ppoowweerr aanndd llooaadd::
80 Watts RMS into 4 Ohms (with DDT
FFrreeqquueennccyy rreessppoonnssee::
+0, -3 dB, 20 Hz to 20 kHz @ 80 Watts
RMS into 4 Ohms
TToottaall hhaarrmmoonniicc ddiissttoorrttiioonn::
Less than 0.3%, 1 Watt to 80 Watts RMS,
20 Hz to 20 kHz, 4 Ohms
ddyynnaammiicc rraannggee::
Greater than 20 dB
DDDDTT mmaaxxiimmuumm TTHHDD::
Below 0.8% THD for 6 dB overload
Below 3.5% THD for 20 dB overload
HHuumm aanndd nnooiissee::
Greater than 83 dB below rated power
PPoowweerr ccoonnssuummppttiioonn::
200 Watts, 50/60 Hz, 120 VAC (domestic)
PPrreeaammpp sseeccttiioonn::
The following specs are measured @ 1kHz
with the controls preset as follows:
Master gain @ 10
Low EQ @ 0 dB
Mid EQ @ 0 dB
Mid Shift @ 600 Hz
High EQ @ 0 dB
Presence EQ @ 0 dB
Reverb @ 0
Nominal levels are with pre gain @ 5
Minimum levels are with pre gain @ 10
PPrreeaammpp hhiigghh ggaaiinn iinnppuutt ((nnoo ppaadd))::
Impedance: High Z, 220 k Ohms
Nominal input level: -29.9 dBV, 32 mV RMS
Minimum input level: -53.2 dBV, 2.2 mV RMS
Maximum input level: 8 dBV, 2.5 V RMS
PPrreeaammpp LLooww GGaaiinn IInnppuutt ((--1100 ddBB ppaadd))::
Impedance: High Z, 68k Ohms
Nominal input level: -19.9 dBV, 101 mV RMS
Minimum input level: -43.2 dBV, 6.9 mV RMS
Maximum input level: 18 dBV, 8 V RMS
PPrree EEQQ ppaattcchh sseenndd::
Load impedance: 10k Ohms or greater
Nominal output level: -18.6 dBV, 117 mV RMS
PPrree EEQQ ppaattcchh rreettuurrnn::
Impedance: High Z, 220 k Ohms
Designed Input Level: -18.6 dBV, 117 mV RMS
(Switching jack provides send to return
connection when not used)
PPoosstt EEQQ ppaattcchh sseenndd::
Load impedance: 10 k Ohms or greater
Nominal output level: -14.1 dBV, 198 mV RMS
PPoosstt EEQQ ppaattcchh rreettuurrnn::
Impedance: High Z, 1 m Ohms
Designed Input Level: -14.1 dBV, 198 mV RMS
(Switching jack provides send to return
connection when not used)
XXLLRR lliinnee oouuttppuutt::
Load impedance: 5 k Ohms or greater
Nominal output level: -3.1 dBV, 0.7 V RMS
PPrreeaammpp oouuttppuutt // CCDD iinnppuutt::
Load impedance: 10 k Ohms or greater
Nominal output level: -3.1 dBV, 0.7 V RMS
Nominal CD Input Level: -3.1 dBV, 0.7 V RMS
(Stereo cable must be used for CD Input
to function)
PPoowweerr aammpp iinnppuutt::
Impedance: High Z, 27 k Ohms
Designed Input Level: -3.1 dBV, 0.7 V RMS
(Switching jack provides preamp output
to power amp input connection when not
SSyysstteemm hhuumm aanndd nnooiissee @@ nnoommiinnaall iinnppuutt
(20 Hz to 20 kHz unweighted)
Greater than 75 dB below rated power
Low: +/-15 dB @ 45 Hz, shelving
Mid: +/-15 dB @ Mid Shift frequency,
Mid Shift: 150 Hz to 1.5 kHz
High: +/-15 dB @ 6 kHz (special EQ)
Presence: +/-15 dB @ 10 kHz, shelving
EExxtteerrnnaall ffoooottsswwiittcchh ((ppaarrtt ##9900000011779911,,
nnoott iinncclluuddeedd)) ffuunnccttiioonnss::
Select effects: Post EQ effects Loop defeat
Reverb: Reverb defeat
DDiimmeennssiioonnss ((HH xx WW xx DD))::
18.125" x 21.375" x 10.250"
42.3 lbs.

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