4 5 6
Exce pt for the followi ng few additions, you r tu rn is pla yed a s described in the base g ame rules :
1. ere is a new move men t optio n :
I f you r Comp ani on is in play , i.e. st anding on a P lace tile, you
can move him i nst ead of you r M ercha nt. e Com panion
follows the same rules as the M erch an t with t he following
exce ptions:
a)e Companion can o nly move by 1 P lace, i.e. to a n
orthog onally adjacent P lace.
b)H e wor ks alone, i.e. he does not have or r equire an y
assistan ts.
c)Bonus ca rds and t iles showin g the M erchan t do
not apply to the Com panion u nless explicitly st ated othe r wise.
N ote : If a Merch ant or C ompan ion moves t o a Place wit h other pla yers ’ M erchants o r Com panions, you
must pay 2 L ir a for each of t ho se tok e ns before you can t ak e the P lace ’ s action!
When a tok en (Me rcha nt, F amily Me mber , or Companion) is a t a Place s pe cied by one or more of
your Lette rs, you mu st tu rn t hese Letters to t he reverse side – t hey are consider ed “ delivered” . I t does not
ma tter w hether o r not the tok en was moved, and whether you tu rn the Letter before o r aer it mov es.
3. I n phase 4 of your tu rn (Encou nters), you can e ncoun ter a new tok en – the Cou rier . H e provides
you 1 Letter if you pay him 2 Lira or discard 1 Lette r . Ae r ward, roll the dice to deter mine his new
4. End of you r tur n : Once pe r roun d, you can discard Lette rs showi ng a total of 3 Seals to immediately
ta ke an addit ion al turn (so- cal led “ doub le move”). Overpaid Sea ls are forfeit.
Reg ardless of the n umber of pla yers, t he end of t he g ame is t rigg ered when an y player collects their 6t h
Rub y. A part from th at, t he base g ame ru les apply .
21 Em bassy
T a k e 2 Letters fro m the general sup ply and place them face up i n fron t
of you ( i.e. with t he Place n umbe r facing up ).
22 Kiosk
T a k e 1 Letter fro m the general sup ply and place it face up in fron t of you. en tu rn ov er 1 Kiosk
tile per playe r plus one. Beginning wit h you and in clock wise orde r , each player m ust do t he fol-
lowing :
Choose 1 of those Kiosk t iles.
Ca rr y out its act ion (see pag e 6: O ver vie w of Kiosk Tiles) or n ot.
T urn it face dow n. e other pla yers can not cho ose it.
Y ou also g et to use the re maining Kiosk t ile. en discar d all of those Kiosk tiles.
23 A uction H ou se
T a k e 1 Goo d of your choice. en a uction o 2 Bon us car ds :
Place a bid of at least 1 Lira. en each other playe r in clockw ise orde r may place exact ly 1 bid or
pass. Each ne w bid must be hig her t han t he last. Ae r all other playe rs had t he chance to bid, you
may place a nal bid or pass.
e win ner of t he auct ion dra ws 2 Bonus c ards fro m the dra w pile and tak es the m in to their h and .
I f you win, pay you r bid to the g ener al supply . I f another pla yer win s, they mus t pay their bid t o
Example wit h 3 players: Y ellow tak es 1 blue G ood and places an in itial bid of 1 L ir a . Red passes ; Blue bids
5 Lir a. Y ellow could place a nal bid but passes . Blue dr aws 2 Bonus cards om t he dr aw pile and pa ys 5 Lir a
to Y ellow.
24 Secret Societ y
Discard Lette rs showi ng a total of 6 Seals . As a rewar d, take t he next Ruby fr om the S ultan ’ s P al-
ace 13 , the Gems tone Dealer 16 , or t he Coee House 20 ( only available in t he “Grea t Bazaar”
var iant) a nd place it on your Wheelbarro w . e rst playe r to tak e this actio n receives 3 Lira , the
second one 2 L ira, and the third 1 Lira. Any subsequen t p layer o nly g ets the Ruby a nd no addi-
tiona l L ir a .
25 Catac om bs
T a k e 1 Goo d of your choice (or Coee). en mov e your M erchan t stack to a Place of you r
choice. Y ou may not tak e that P lace’ s action and you do not ha ve an y encount ers t here.
e publisher and designer would like to t ha nk al l play -test ers and pr oofreaders for t heir valuable feedback .
Designe r: Rüdig er Dorn
Illus tr ations : Andreas Resch
Grap hic Design: Andreas R esch, H ans-Ge org Schneider
Real ization: R a l ph Br uhn
T ranslatio n: Grzeg orz Kobiela
Copyright © 2016 P eg a sus S piele GmbH
Am St raßbach 3
61169 F riedberg
www .pegasus.de
All righ ts reserved. Re printin g or pub lishin g of the ru le book, gam e compon ents or illus tr ations is
prohi bited wi thout prior permiss ion.
T ake 1 yellow Good
and 1 Lira .
T ake 1 green Go od
and 1 Lira .
T ake 1 red Goo d
and 1 Lira .
T ake 2 yellow
T ake 2 green
T ake 2 red
T ake 1 yellow
T ake 1 green
T ake 1 red
T ake 1 blue
T a ke 1 Bonus card. T ake 2 Lira .
T ake 1 Coee or
2 L ira .
T ake 1 Coee or
3 L ira .
Mov e your Com -
panion to your
personal supply .
Roll 1 d ie and
take 1 Lira per pip
roll e d.
P ay 10 Lira for
a Wheelbarrow
exten sion.
P ay 1 blue, yellow ,
green, and red
Goo d for a Wheel-
barro w exten sion.
Mov e your M er -
chan t stack to
the F ountain
withou t colle cting
any assist ant s.
Choose one : P ay
1 Goo d (or Coee)
and tak e 1 Letter , or
discard 1 Letter and
take 1 Good (or
Choose one : Dis-
card 1 Bonus card
and tak e 1 Letter , or
discard 1 Letter and
take 1 Bonus card.
Choose one : P ay
2 Lira and take
1 Letter , or discard
1 Letter and tak e
3 L ira .
Choose one : P ay
2 Lira and take
1 Goo d of your
choice (or Coee),
or pay 1 Good of
your choice (or
Coee) and take
3 L ira .
Choose one : Pay
2 Lira and take
1 Bonus card, or
discard 1 Bonu s
card and t ake
3 L ira .
T ake 1 Letter . Roll 2 dice and take
the corr esponding
reward .
P ay 1 Good (or
Coee) to receive
7 Lira .
T ake the de picted
Good and 3 L ira.
Car r y out the act ion
of the topmost
Bonus car d on the
discard pile.
Durin g the “Mov e-
ment” phase, move
your F amily Member
to an orthogonally
adjacent Pl ace and
take t hat P lace’ s ac-
tion wit hout ha ving
any encou nte rs. is
replaces your r eg ular
tur n, i.e. you do not
move your M erch ant
or Companion . For
this, your F amily
Membe r may neithe r
be at the P olice Sta-
nor move
Durin g the “Mov e-
ment” phase, choose
another pla yer’ s
Mer chan t and move
your M erch ant stack
to tha t Place. is
replaces your r eg ular
movemen t by 1 or
2 Places. Y ou do
not hav e to pay tha t
specic Merch ant
but you do ha ve en-
counte rs with ot her
toke ns if presen t.
Durin g the “Mov e-
ment” phase, you
can move you r Com-
panion by 2 Places
instead of ju st 1.
U se the Governor ,
Smuggler , Courie r ,
or Coee T rader ( in
the “Grea t Bazaar”
varian t) and pay the
cost. en roll the
dice to determine
the new position of
that to ken.
If you a re at one of
the M osques
, you can imme-
diately take it s action
one more ti me.
If you a re at the
Secret Societ y
you can immediately
take its act ion one
more time.
Durin g the “Mov e-
ment” phase, you
can pay 3 Lira to
move your M erch ant
stack to an y Place.
is replaces your
regu lar moveme nt
by 1 or 2 Places.
W e recommend t his var iant t o all p laye rs who are s ucien tly ex perienced in the base game and its
expansion s. I n this varian t, the base game is combine d with bo th expansions “M ocha & Baksheesh” a nd
“Letters & Seals” .
Arr ange the Places n umber ed 1-25 randomly in a 5x5 patte rn.
Place t he F ou nt ain 7 in the ce nte r of the game board. Mak e sure t he Black M arket 8 a nd T ea
H ouse 9 minim um dist ance rest riction is met.
Bonus c ards: De cide whether you w an t to solely use the new Bon us cards o r shue t hem tog ether
with t he base g ame and M ocha & Bakshe esh ones. I f you do the la tte r , a s ymbol in the corne rs of the
cards w ill help you to separa te t hem lat er .
A part from th at, the norm al base g ame and expansion rules apply .
N ote : e T avern tile reg ard ing t he Governor , Smug gle r , and Coee T r ade r does also appl y to the Cou rier .
Example: Y our Compan ion is alread y in
play. Y ou can use him on your next turn.