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Omen Cards
As the apocalypse looms over the world of Talisman, signs
appear and prophecies are fulfilled, warning that the end is
nigh. The Omen cards reveal the greatest of these signs.
Before the game begins, players must first decide which Omen
set they wish to use. Collect all 8 Omen cards belonging
to that Omen set. Then use them to make a faceup stack,
starting with the 7th Omen at the bottom, then the 6th Omen,
5th Omen, etc., with the Prophecy card on the top. The stack
is then placed next to the Harbinger sheet.
When an effect causes the top card of the Omen stack to be
discarded, take the top card of the Omen stack and place it
faceup on top of the Omen discard pile. Then resolve any
immediate effects on the newly revealed Omen card. If there
are no cards remaining in the Omen stack, the game is over
and all characters lose the game.
If an effect places an Omen card in the Omen discard pile on
top of the Omen stack, resolve any immediate effects on the
newly placed card.
Continuous effects of the top Omen card of the Omen stack
are always applied until the Omen is discarded or no longer
the top card of the Omen stack.
Cursed Keyword
Some Objects and Followers have
been twisted and tainted by dark
powers and have the Cursed keyword.
Cursed Objects and Followers must
be taken by a character encountering
them (even if the character is at his
Object Carrying Limit) and cannot
be ditched.
When a character has more Objects than his Carrying limit,
and must decide which Objects to keep, a character must
choose to keep as many Cursed Objects as possible. A
character can only choose not to keep a Cursed Object if he
has more Cursed Objects than his Carrying limit.
Cursed Objects and Followers may be discarded, stolen, and
sold as normal.
Terrain Cards
As the world draws closer to its end, the land irrevocably shifts
and changes. Certain game effects instruct players
to place a Terrain card on a space
of the game board. While a Terrain
card is on a space, the text and
name of that space is ignored and
the text and name of the Terrain
card is used instead. If an effect
refers to a space that is no longer
on the board because that space
contains a Terrain card, that effect
is ignored.
For example, if the Temple space contains a “Chasm” Terrain
card and a “6” is rolled at the Tavern, the effect of moving to
the Temple is ignored. Terrain cards can only be removed by
effects that specifically remove Terrain cards.
Players cannot place Terrain cards on spaces in the Inner
Region. If an effect instructs a player to place a Terrain card
where he cannot, he ignores that effect.
If an effect causes a player to place a Terrain card on a space and
there are no cards of the required type left in the Terrain deck, he
must choose a Terrain card of that type on the board and move
it to that space. If a player places a Terrain card on a space
that already contains a Terrain card, he removes the original
Terrain card from that space and returns it to the Terrain deck.
If a player places a new character on the game board, he
ignores any Terrain cards when placing that character.
Terrain Cards and Movement
If the Sentinel space contains a Terrain card, characters may
cross freely from the Outer Region to the Middle Region; they
do not have to defeat the Sentinel. Likewise, if the Portal of
Power space contains a Terrain card, characters may cross
freely from the Middle Region to the Inner Region; they do
not have to pick or force the lock, nor are they stopped by the
Warlock if they have an uncompleted warlock quest.
Placing Random Terrain Cards
Some game effects will instruct players to place a random
Terrain card. When this occurs, the player shuffles the Terrain
deck, draws the top card, and places it as directed by the
If there are no cards remaining in the Terrain deck when a
player is instructed to place a random Terrain card, he instead
takes the Terrain card closest to his character and moves it
to his space. If 2 or more Terrain cards are equally close, he
chooses which one to move.
Terrain Cards and Other Expansions
When using an expansion board, if a Terrain card is on a
space that allows movement between boards, characters can
still move to and from the expansion board following the
normal movement rules of that expansion.
When using The Harbinger with The City expansion,
Terrain cards cannot be placed on the “Jail” or “Town Square”
spaces of The City expansion board.
If a Terrain Card is placed on the last space of an expansion
board, such as the “Treasure Chamber” from The Dungeon
expansion, a character must end his movement when entering
that space, then encounter the Terrain card on that space.
Terrain Card
Brave the Chasm
Roll one die for yourself, and one for each of your Followers.
If a 1 or 2 is rolled for yourself, lose 1 life. If a 1 or 2
is rolled for a Follower, it is killed.
Your life and fate values are
reduced by 1 for each Spell you
have, to a minimum of 1.
At the start of your
turn, gain your full
complement of Spells.
Magic Object
Forbidden Tome
Your life and fate values are
reduced by 1 for each Spell you
have, to a minimum of 1.
At the start of your
turn, gain your full
complement of Spells.
Magic Object
Forbidden Tome
Magic Object
Magic Object

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