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CChheecckk tthhaatt yyoouurr aapppplliiaannccee hhaass nnoott bbeeeenn
ddaammaaggeedd dduurriinngg ttrraannssppoorrtt ((ddaammaaggee ttoo ddoooorr oorr
sseeaall,, eettcc..)).. IIff yyoouu nnoottiiccee aannyy ddaammaaggee,, ccoonnttaacctt
yyoouurr rreettaaiilleerr bbeeffoorree uussiinngg tthhee aapppplliiaannccee..
Check that:
the electrical installation has sufficient voltage.
- the supply cables are in good condition
- the diameter of the wires complies with the
installation requirements.
- your equipment has a protection of at least 16
If in doubt, contact your electrician.
The electrical connections should be made
before the appliance is installed in its housing.
Electrical safety must be ensured through pro-
per installation in the housing. During installa-
tion and maintenance operations, the appliance
must be unplugged from the electrical grid;
fuses must be cut off or removed.
The appliance must be connected using a
(standardised) feeder cable with 3 conductors
of 1.5 mm² (1 live + 1N + ground) which must be
connected to the 220-240 V
monophase net-
work using a CEI 60083-standardised 1 live + 1N
+ ground electrical outlet or one which com-
plies with installation requirements. The protec-
tion cable (green-yellow) is connected to the
appliance's terminal and must be connected
to the appliance's ground.
IInn oorrddeerr ttoo eeaassiillyy llooccaattee tthhee rreeffeerreennccee iinnffoorrmmaa--
ttiioonn ffoorr yyoouurr aapppplliiaannccee,, wwee rreeccoommmmeenndd tthhaatt yyoouu
nnoottee tthheessee ddaattaa oonn tthhee ""AAfftteerr--SSaalleess SSeerrvviiccee""
If the connection is made with a plug, it must
remain accessible after the appliance has been
The oven's neutral (blue cable) must be con-
nected to the network's neutral.
Ensure your electrical installation has a system
accessible to the user which can cut off the appli-
ance from the power grid, with a con
tact opening
of at least 3 mm for all the terminals.
If the supply cable is damaged, it must be
replaced by the manufacturer, its after-sales
service or any other similarly qualified person to
avoid any danger.
WWee ccaannnnoott bbee hheelldd rreessppoonnssiibbllee ffoorr aannyy
aacccciiddeenntt rreessuullttiinngg ffrroomm aann iinneexxiisstteenntt,, ddeeffeeccttiivvee
oorr iinnccoorrrreecctt ggrroouunndd lleeaadd..
IIff tthhee oovveenn pprreesseennttss aannyy iirrrreegguullaarriittyy,, uunnpplluugg tthhee
aapppplliiaannccee oorr rreemmoovvee tthhee rreelleevvaanntt ffuussee aatt tthhee
oovveenn''ss ccoonnnneeccttiioonn lleeaadd--iinn..
bbeeffoorree ccoonnnneeccttiinngg
eelleeccttrriiccaall ccoonnnneeccttiioonn

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