The objects found in the given category are displayed in the search window.
The results are listed in the order of the nearest to the most distant objects.
After tapping on the description or the icon of the object in the results list,
the user will have access to the context menu where the given point can be
viewed on the map and can be added to, for example, the list of favourite
To find a point in a different location on the map, return to the map and
scroll it to the place where the new search begins (by placing the cursor on
the map).
To find a POI in a given town/city, select the POI with the use of the "City"
option on the bar at the bottom of the screen.
The "View" (binoculars icon) option on the bottom bar of the screen with
the list of points, allows the user to:
• Change the search radius (options: "Nearest" and the three options
below with the number of kilometres). The search radius is
determined by the number of POI found in the area. The more POI
the system finds in the area, the more restricted the search radius.
• Filter the list of the found points so that only built-in points or user-
defined points are displayed (all points are displayed by default).
• If a route has been mapped, the search can be limited to points in
the "area" of the route with the use of the "Near route" option.
Icons which appear by such points indicate the distance: up to 50
m, 100 m, 150 m from the route. The grey dark icon signifies a
point on the side of the road opposite to the travelled direction (i.e. on the left side in Continental Europe and on
the right in Great Britain).
2.8.3 Search by postal codes
AutoMapa supports the search of an address with the use of a
postal code. Select the "Postal codes" option from the "Go to/
Search" menu (this option is not available in the simplified
menu mode). Enter the postal code and a list of
corresponding locations will be displayed.
The user can select the location (by tapping on its name) or,
to find a specific street, enter a fragment of its name in the
"Street" field.
By tapping on a selected address point, the user will open the
shortcut menu window where the given location can be
marked as the destination, a route point, "Home", "Work",
POI or favourite. The location can also be displayed on the
2.9 Map points
Favourite points
Favourite points are a reference set of user-defined points. They can be used to register the addresses of family
members, favourite restaurants or any other frequently visited locations.
The program automatically creates a "Car" favourite point, which remembers the last GPS position upon the shut-down of
external power supply or program exit (helping you find a car at a parking lot, etc.).
Favourite points are set on the map by opening the context menu in any location on the map or found object (address,
POI, etc.) and by choosing the "Add to favourites" option. The function of adding a favourite point can also be assigned to
a hardware key (refer to the section "Settings: Buttons").
Favourite points are displayed on the map by a flag icon: .
Favourite points can be moved on the map, deleted or copied with the use of "Copy/Cut/Delete/Paste" options from the
context menu.
The favourite points editing screen is found in the POI menu.
2.9.2 Home/Work
Home/Work are special favourite points, which are assigned own options in the "Go to" menu. When the "Home" or
"Work" option is selected, navigation is activated directly – you do not have to go through the context menu.
Similarly to favourite points, "Home" and "Work" points can be defined by opening the context menu in any location on
the map or found object (address, POI, etc.) and by choosing the "Mark as Home" or "Mark as Work" option.
The points have their own icons on the map: and ,
The points are displayed on the list of favourite points ("Go to|Favourite points").