PENTAGRAM Cerberus P6360 / P6361 / P6362 / P6363 / P6369
• L2PT
Select this connection type if your provider uses a L2PT connection.
Tryb - show your current connection mode.
L2PT Adres serwera - type the IP address or name server obtained from your service provider.
Nazwa użytkownika - enter the username provided by your service provider. You can input up
to 128 alphanumeric characters (case sensitive).
Hasło - enter the password provided by your service provider. You can input up to 128
alphanumeric characters (case sensitive).
MTU - Maximum Transmission Unit. It is the size of largest datagram that can be sent over a
network. The default value is 1492. Do NOT modify it unless necessary. But if when some
specific website or web application software can not be open or enabled, have a try to change
the MTU value as 1500, 1450, 1400 etc.
Tryb adresowy – select the mode of address used by the service provider - Static or Dynamic. If
the ISP did not provide data to configure, select Dynamic.
Adres IP - enter the WAN IP address from the service provider..
Maski podsieci - enter the WAN Subnet Mask from the service provider.
Brama - enter the default gateway IP address from the service provider.
Click OK button, to apply and save your changes.
Click Anuluj button, to cancel your changes.