PENTAGRAM Vanquish FM RT User’s Manual
(20-04-20 07)
Product number: P 5100
The newest versions o f manual, d rivers and ap plica tions are available to
download on www.pentagram. eu
This manual co ntains information pro tected by c opyright law. Al l rights ar e re-
served. No part o f this docume nt m ay be used or reproduced in any form or by any
means, or stored i n a database/retrieval sys tem without prio r written permission
from P ENTAGRAM Eu rope. P ENTAGRAM r eserves t h e r ight s t o update use r’s man-
ual based on the application upgrade without prior no tice.
1. Introduction
Thanks for purchasing PEN TAGRAM Vanquish FM R T. MP3 Player is a new type of
portable dig ital music player, perfectly com bines digital music pl aying, FM trans mis-
sion, recording, FM tuner and remo vable disk, etc.
1.1 Features
• FM transmission f unction
• Dichromatic OLED disp lay
• Rechargeable battery
• Support intellige nt (forced) charge
• Support MP3, WMA file
• Support A-B repea t, multiple sound/p layback modes
• Synchronously Lyric (LRC file) display
• Perfectly combines MP3 Player with s tereo set
• Built-in FM tuner
• Support VOICE (op tional) and FM rec ording
• Built-in flash memo ry
• Effectively preven t misoperation wi th HOLD switch
• Built-in Mini USB por t
• No driver installat ion required (except on Windows 98/98 SE)
• Firmware update
1.2 Functions a nd Buttons
2. Usage on th e Computer
2.1 Connecting w ith the Comput er
PENTAGRAM Vanquish FM RT conne cts wit h the computer through USB cable.
Connect s tandard port o f USB ca ble to the computer, M ini por t to PENTAGRAM
Vanquish FM RT.
2.2 Utilities Install ation
PENTAGRAM Van quish FM RT Utilities includes Windows 98/98 SE driver a nd Firm-
ware Download tools.
The installation s teps of Utilities are as the following:
1) Download the ins tallation file from PENTAGRAM website.
2) Double click the installation file “Set up.exe ”, the system wo uld install Utilities
automatically. The too l would appear i n “ Programs” of “ Start” after instal la-
2.3 Data Transfe rring
1) Boot your computer , connect Vanqu ish FM RT with the com puter.
2) The OLED screen displays “READY” to prompt the c onnection status after
Windows 98/98SE/ Me/2000/XP /Server 2003: Double click “My Co m-
puter”, you would find a new icon nam ed “Removable Disk”, representing
PENTAGRAM Vanq uish FM RT. A new icon would appear at the taskbar on
Windows Me/2000 /XP/Server 2003, representing Vanq uish FM RT.
Mac OS 10.2 or abo ve (Mac OS 10.3 .2 e.g.): A new icon named
“NO_NAME” wou ld appear on the desk top of your com puter, represe nting
Vanquish FM RT.
Linux 2.4.2 or abov e: Enter the syste m by user “ro ot” and input the com -
mand “mount /dev/sd a /mnt”.
This command is to create a directo ry where Vanqu ish FM RT would be
Note: “sda” is an unfixed input item, please make releva nt changes accor d-
ing to Linux oper ating discipline.
4) Then you can copy, delete, or edit d ata, just as o n a traditional hard disk.
2.4 Disconnecti ng
Please refer to the following steps to u nplug V anquish FM RT after data transfer-
1) Windows 98/98SE: The OLED of Vanquish FM RT would display “READY”
when f inished data tr ansferring, then you can disco nnect V anquish FM RT
from USB port of the computer.
2) Windows Me/2000/XP/Server 20 03 (Windows 20 00 e.g. ): Click the icon
at the t askbar, click the promp t me nu “Stop USB Mass Storage De vice -
Driver”, and click “OK” in the pop-up window “The ‘USB Mass Storage Device’
device can no w be safely remo ved from t he system”, t hen you can disco nnect
Vanquish FM RT from the computer s afely.
Mac O S 10.2 or abov e (Mac OS 10 .3.2 e.g .): Selec t the icon re presenting
Vanquish FM RT, and click “File” to select “Ex it NO NAME”, t hen d isconnect
Vanquish FM RT from the computer.
Tips: Drag V anquish FM RT icon i nto Trash, and then di sconnect it fro m t he
4) Linux 2.4.2 or ab ove: I nput t he c ommand “umount /m nt” be fore u nplug-
ging V anquish FM RT, T he “/mnt” directory is correspondin g w ith the “/m nt”
mentioned above.
3. Basic Op erations
3.1 Battery
Charge: You c an c harge the battery of V anquish FM RT by co nnecting it with t he
computer through USB c able, or connecting it wi th the cig ar-lighter adapter of your
car. When c harged through adapter, Vanquish FM RT suppor ts all o perations
mentioned in “4. Us age of Vanquish FM RT”.
Intelli-charge: If the voltage is higher than 3.5V, you can also ch arge by lock the
HOLD key after co nnected with t he computer o r the cigar-lig hter of cars. P ENTA-
GRAM Intelli-charge technology enha nces the bat tery’s life.
Note: When ch arge by
, please keep Vanquish FM RT po wer on, otherwise
it couldn’t charge!
When using the ba ttery, please pay attention to the fol lowing:
1) When s tart using Vanquis h FM RT, please fully charge and disch arge for the
battery about 2 ~ 3 times to ensure maximum battery life.
2) Please don’t dispose Vanquish FM RT into fire to avoi d the battery explo ding.
3) Please don’t disassemble an y part of Vanquish FM RT, any unauthorized
disassembling will c ause termination o f PENTAGRA M official warranty.
3.2 Power On/Off
To power on Vanquish FM RT, pleas e hold button, Vanquish FM RT ente rs
MUSIC menu after power on. To powe r off Vanquis h FM RT, please hol d button.
Vanquish FM RT would po wer off autom atically if no oper ation based upon prese t
time (Please refer to “4.5 SET -> Powe r Set” for de tails).
3.3 HOLD
This funct ion is used to pre vent t he but tons from being operated accidentally. To
lock all buttons please lock the HOLD switch, and the OLED prompts the lock
status. To rele ase the lock funct ion, ple ase unlock the H OLD switch. If the HOLD
switch was ope n when power on, V anquish FM RT wou ld powe r off automatically
shortly after display “Key Hold”, please unlock the HOLD switch a nd then po wer on
3.4 Reset
In case V anquish FM RT doe sn’t re sponse to any operation, poke the Re set h ole o n
the Vanquis h FM RT to rebo ot system . You need to rest art Vanquish FM RT after
rebooting, the settings o f Vanquish FM RT would return to the l ast effective set-
tings before reboo ting and all files save d in Vanquish FM RT may lose.
3.5 Firmware Upd ate
You c an do wnload the latest update tool from o ur website to upd ate Vanquish FM
The update steps are as the followi ng:
1) Please uninstall “Vanquish FM RT” in your computer f irst, then double click
the downloa ded file “Setup.exe”, new Vanquish FM RT U tilities wo uld be in-
stalled automatica lly.
2) Run “ Start -> Pro grams -> PENTAGRAM Vanquish FM RT -> Firm ware
Download” to update firmware for Vanquish FM RT, click “Start” b utton to
begin update on the windo w of “Firmware Dow nload”. It would promp t
“Complete” after updated, click “Close ” button, then unplug Vanquis h FM RT
from the computer to finish.
3) You can also click the check box of “Format Data Area ” in “Firmware
Download” wi ndow, click “Yes” bu tton in the pop-up window “Formatting the
data area will erase all files stored on the media, Continue?”. Forma t Van-
quish FM RT would delete all da ta stored in Vanquish F M RT, please get
backup first!
4) Click “ Start” b utton to format Vanquish FM RT. I t wo uld show “Complete”
upon format finished, click “Close ” to finish.
Firmware u pdate c an impro ve and opt imize the perform ances o f Va nquish FM
RT, but Vanquish FM RT also ca n work properly wi thout firmware upd ate.
Vanquish FM RT c an not work pro perly due to misoperation! Ple ase read this
manual in detail be fore operating firmware u pdate, and ask for help from the
computer engineer.
This firmware update program is o nly available to Vanq uish FM RT.
4. Usage of Vanqui sh FM RT
Vanquish F M RT includes the following menus: MUSIC, T RAN, VOICE (optional),
FM, S ET, DELETE, A BOUT and EXIT. The operations and setti ngs wou ld be in tro-
duced as the followin g.
• Press MODE bu tton to enter the MAI N MEN U of Vanquish FM RT.
• Press / button to select the menu.
• Press MODE bu tton to enter.
The operations of FM recording and VOICE (optional) menu please refer to “4.3
• Play/Pause/Stop:
Press button to play a track.
Press button to pause the playing trac k.
Hold button to stop pl aying in playing/ pause status.
Note: Vanquish FM RT can suppor t 480 tracks /recorded files for all.
• Rewind/Forward: Hol d / button to re wind or fast forward the tr ack in
playing/pause/stop st atus.
• Selecting Track: Press / button t o select t he tra ck in p laying/pause /stop
• Turn up/down: Press +/- button to adjust the volume .
• A-B repe at: Press REC button twice to decide A (start) spo t a nd B (e nd) spo t
while i n playi ng s tatus, V anquish FM RT would play t he tr ack be tween A and B
repeatedly. Press REC button aga in to exit A-B repe at.
Note: Vanq uish FM RT ca n’t implem ent A-B repea t when the sp are playing time is
less than 3 seco nds.
• Lyric show ing: Vanq uish FM RT would automatic ally search the lyric file (LRC
format, you can m ake by yourself, dow nload from Internet, e tc.).
1) Copy the track and the lyric file (LRC format) into the s ame folder.
2) Make sure t he name o f th e lyric f ile is the same as t he na me of the track,
otherwise the lyric ca n’t be displayed.
3) Lyric will be shown sy nchronously in the Track I nfo / Lyric Shows area o f the
OLED during play ing.
When ther e is VOICE menu in V anquish FM RT, Hold REC button to sw itch to
VOICE menu in stop status of MUSIC m enu.
Press REC button to switch play mode in stop s tatus.
4.2 TRAN
Turn Down