Vanquish FM RT can send the playing music to F M radio, so you can enjo y the
music in Vanquish FM RT through FM r adio.
• Operations of FM transmissio n (FM radio on cars e. g.)
1) Open the FM radio of c ar, turn to the FM frequency in 88MHz ~ 90MHz.
(Please choose the frequency withou t FM program for bet ter effect.)
2) Connect the earphone or antenna (optional) with Vanquish FM RT. Under
MUSIC menu, hold button to enter tra nsmission sta tus. Under other menu,
press MODE button to enter MAIN M ENU, select and en ter TRAN menu.
3) Press button to turn Vanquish FM RT to playing/pause st atus, press +/–
button to adjust the frequency, make i t the same as t he FM radio of car.
4) Now you can enjo y the music in Va nquish FM RT thro ugh the FM radio of c ar.
5) Please refer t o “4.1 MUSIC” for the oper ations of p laying music, except for
the operations of adjust the volume, please adjust the volume th rough the
stereo set of car.
• Exit FM transmi ssion: HOLD MODE button to exit FM tr ansmission.
Note: The earpho ne can be used as antenna if yo u don’t purchase the antenna.
1) Before recording, please re fer to “4.5 SE T” to set the parameters o f reco rded
Recorded Mod e Source
VOICE (optional)
2) FM R e cording: P ress R EC button t o record i n Radio st atus.
VOICE Recording (o ptional): Press REC button to re cord. Vanquish FM RT
can record via MIC, and play the recorde d file(s) under VOICE (optional)
3) Press button to p ause/resume recording, and press REC button to end
4) Vanquish FM RT can rename and sa ve for the recorded file when finish
Location of Saving Playing Menu
“VOICE” folder u nder root directory V OICE menu
“FM” folder under root directory MUSIC menu
Note: It does not support A-B repe ating during reco rded files played.
4.4 FM
Vanquish FM RT c an receive and re cord the FM progr ams under FM men u.
Press MODE button to switch among “ Radio”, “Scan”, “Store” and “Exit” under FM
menu. The Opera tions are as the fol lowing:
1) Radio: You ca n switch channel by press ing / button, if there is more tha n
one channel saved. Pre ss +/– butto n to adjust t he volume.
2) Scan: Vanquish FM RT c an save maxim um 30 channels.
Automatic Scannin g: Press button to enter auto-scanning u nder Scan
status, Vanquish FM RT would save the searched c hannel in sequence auto-
Manual Scanning: Pre ss / button to search channel ahead/backw ards by
0.1MHz manual i n receiving status.
3) Store: Press button to s ave channel(s) , the OLED displ ays “Station Saved”.
4) Exit: Press button to re turn to MAIN M ENU.
Note: Vanquish FM RT would search and save c hannel(s) automatically whe n enter
FM men u f or t he first time . The earphone ca n be u sed a s a n a ntenna, connect it
with Vanquish FM RT would make be tter effect while searc hing channels.
4.5 SET
• Press / button to select the item, press MODE button to en ter.
• Press / bu tton to s et the value, press MODE button to confirm a nd re turn
to SET menu.
You can set the fol lowing items in “ SET” menu:
Items Descriptions
There are 6 eq ualizer modes: NOR MAL, ROCK, JAZZ,
There are 6 play mode s: NORMAL, RE PEAT ONE, REPEAT
Note: U nder “INTRO” mode , you can switch to “NO RMAL”
mode by pressing
Vanquish FM RT w ould st art scree n sa vings i f there is no
operation duri ng the time which is set as 5, 10 , 20, 3 0, 40,
50 seconds and ∞. You can pre ss any button to exit the
screen savings. “∞” prese nts the s creen savings isn’t
Vanquish FM RT would po wer off automatically if there is
no operation in s top status during the time which is se t as
DISABLE, 2MINS, 5MIN S and 10MINS. “DISABLE” presents
Vanquish FM RT c an not power o ff automatically.
Press / button to select item, and pre ss MO DE button
to select value.
Source: To set the source as MIC (opt ional) o r FM . Press
button to enter “Enco der” value.
Encoder: T o set t he encoder as IM ADPCM, MSADPCM or
PCM. Press button to en ter “Channel” value.
Channel: To set the channel as Stereo or Mono. Press
button to enter “S ample” value.
Note: The Ch annel can be only set as “Mo no” w hen
“Source” is set as “MIC”.
Sample: To set th e sample as 8000Hz, 11025Hz,
16000Hz, 2 2050Hz or 32 000Hz.
Press button to enter “E xit” value.
Exit: Press MOD E button to exit “Rec ord Set” menu.
The display l anguage of menu & ly ric: ENG LISH&GBK,
ENGLISH&EUR, sele ct EXIT to retur n to SET menu.
Select “Exit”, and p ress MODE button to retu rn to MAIN
• Press MODE button to enter, press / button to select where the files y ou
want to delete are in:
• Music or Voice (opt ional).
• Press MODE button to en ter sub me nu, press / button to sele ct “Yes” o r
• Select “Yes”, and press MODE button to delete, th e OLED woul d display
• Select “No”, press MODE button to c hoose the file until last one.
• Select “Exit”, press MO DE butto n to return to sub me nu.
Press MO DE button to enter to browse the system inform ation, which includes VER
(version), INT (the cap acity of V anquish FM RT), FREE (the sp are capacity). Press
any button (except for button) to exit.
4.8 EXIT
Select “EXIT” in MAIN ME NU, and pres s MODE button to exit MAIN ME NU.
5. Others
5.1 Remarks
1. “V***.WAV/F*** .WAV” are titles for V OICE (option al) and FM r ecorded f iles
in Vanquish FM RT. “*” presents as “0~9”.
2. It is suggested no t to delete the system file name d as “SETTINGS.DAT ” under
root directory of Vanquish FM RT, because it saved t he latest settings, other-
wise the settings wi ll be return to ori ginal settings when next power o n.
5.2 Specificati ons
* The actual usea ble capacity may not be identical as l abeled.
PENTAGRAM reserves the rights to make c hanges on any specification without prior
Items Descriptions
Dimension 78.7mm x 3 2mm x 17.5 mm
Weight 31g approximately
OLED Dichromatic OLED (1 28 X 64)
Capacity * 128 MB ~ 1GB
Power Supply
Powered by lithium battery, USB port or electri-
cal adapter charge d for it
Earphone Output
11mW + 11mW,
MP3 Bit Rate 8Kbps~320Kbps
WMA Bit Rate 32Kbps~192Kbps
Frequency Respo nse 20Hz~20KHz
Stereo Imbalance Degree +-0,5dB
Stereo Separate Degre e >80dB
Transmitting Freque ncy
FM Transmission
Transmitting Power
<10mW, zasięg
ok. 5m
Radio Frequency R ange 76MHz~108MHz
Radio FM
Preservable Statio ns 30
Files Format MP3, WMA
Working Tem-
Storage and
Relative Humid-
ity under Work-
20%~98% (40°C)
Relative Humid-
ity under Stor-
age and Trans-
20%~90% (40°C)
Menu display
English, Simplified C hinese, Traditio nal Chinese
IBM PC, Compatible No tebook or M ac with USB
Windows 98/98SE/Me /2000/XP/Serv er 2003,
Mac OS 10.2 o r above, Linux 2.4. 2 or above.
5.3 FAQ
If you meet any o f the following diffic ulties in using Vanq uish FM RT, use t he
following guide for help. Should any pr oblem persist, contac t with PENTAGRA M
Customer Service.
Symptoms Possible Reasons
Fail to power on. Low battery. Charge battery.
Low battery. Charge barter y. Power off shortly
after power on.
HOLD switch locked. Unlock HOLD switch.
The volume is 0. Turn up the vol ume.
No sound out-
Earphone isn’t
connected well.
Connect earphone
Keystroke void. HOLD switch locked.
Unlock the HOLD
USB Cable isn’t
connected correctly.
Connect USB Cable
correctly. Fail to connect
with the com-
Driver hasn’t been
installed on Windows
Install the driver (re fer
to “2.2 Utilities Ins tal-
Check the system
settings whether be
accordance with
Fail to download.
Format Vanquish FM
RT and try again.
Low battery. Charge battery.
Cannot record.
Space insufficient. Delete some files.