User’s Manual
Product number: P 5101
The newest versions o f manual, d rivers and ap plica tions are available
to download on www.pentagram .eu
1. Introduction
Thanks for purchas ing PENTAGRAM Va nquish R USB.
1.1 Features
• Dichromatic OLED disp lay
• Support MP3, WMA file
• Rotatable USB port.
• Synchronously Lyric (LRC file) display
• Switching EQ quickly.
• Built-in FM tuner
• Support VOICE (op tional) and FM rec ording
• Built-in flash memo ry
• Effectively preven t misoperation wi th HOLD switch
• No driver installat ion required (except on Windows 98/98 SE)
• Firmware update
1.2 Package Conte nts
• User’s Manual
1.3 System requirem ents
• Windows 98/98SE/200 0/Me/XP or M acOS 10.2 o r Linux 2.4.2
• Free USB port
2. Usage on the Computer
2.1 Connecting with the Co mputer
Vanquish R USB can be connected wi th the computer directly through the
rotatable USB port.
2.2 Utilities Install ation
Windows 98/98SE requires one time installation of the driver available for
download at
The installation s teps of Utilities are as the following:
1) Download the ins tallation file from PENTAGRAM website.
2) Double click the i nstallation f ile “Setup.e xe”, the system would in stall
Utilities automatica lly. The tool would appear in “Programs” of “ Start” af-
ter installation.
2.3 Data Trans ferring
1) Boot your computer , connect Vanqu ish R USB with the co mputer.
2) The OL ED sc reen displays “REA DY” to prom pt the connection status after
Windows 98/98SE/ Me/2000/XP /Server 2003: Double click “My
Computer”, you wo uld find a new ico n named “Remo vable Disk”, repre-
senting PENTAGRAM V anquish R US B. A new icon wo uld appear at the
taskbar on Window s Me/2000/XP/Serve r 2003 , representing Vanquis h R
Mac OS 10.2 or abo ve (Mac OS 10.3 .2 e.g.): A new icon named
“NO_NAME” wou ld appear on the desk top of your com puter, represe nting
Vanquish R USB.
Linux 2.4.2 or abov e: Enter the syste m by user “ro ot” and input the
command “mount / dev/sda /mnt”. This command is to cre ate a directory
where Vanquish R U SB would be mo unted.
Note: “sda” is an unfixed input item, please make releva nt changes ac-
cording to Linux ope rating discipli ne.
4) Then you can copy, delete, or edit d ata, just as o n a traditional hard disk.
2.4 Disconnec ting
Please re fer to the following ste ps to unplug Vanquish R US B a fter dat a trans-
1) Windows 98/98SE: The O LED of Vanqui sh R USB w ould display
“READY” when finished data transferring, then you can disconnect Van-
quish R USB from U SB port of the co mputer.
2) Windows Me/2000/XP/Server 20 03 (Windows 2000 e.g.): Click the
icon at the taskb ar, click the pro mpt me nu “ Stop USB Mass Storage De-
vice - Driver”, a nd cl ick “O K” i n t he po p-up window “The ‘USB Mass Stor-
age Device ’ device c an now be safely removed from the system”, then
you can disconnect V anquish R USB from the computer s afely.
Mac OS 10.2 o r ab ove (Mac OS 1 0.3.2 e.g.): Select the icon repre sent-
ing V anquish R USB, and click “File” to select “Exit NO NAME ”, then dis-
connect Vanquis h R USB from the com puter.
Tips: Drag Vanquish R USB icon into T rash, and then disconnect it from
the computer.
4) Linux 2.4 .2 or a bove: Input t he co mmand “umou nt /mnt” be fore
unplugging Vanquish R USB, The “/m nt” directory is correspo nding with
the “/mnt” mentio ned above.
2.5 Format Mp3 Pla yer
You can format MP3 P layer through the following two met hods:
1. Use the forma t f unction o f W indows O perating S ystem t o form at M P3
Player. Please sele ct the format type as FAT.
2. Use the MP3 Pl ayer Disk Tool to form at MP3 Pl ayer.
3. Basic Operation
3.1 Battery
PENTAGRAM Vanq uish R USB powere d by one AAA alka line or rechargeab le
battery. When usi ng the battery, ple ase pay attention to t he following:
Please don’t dispose Vanquish R USB into fire to avoid the b attery ex-
Please don’t dis assemble any part of V anquish R U SB, any unauthorize d
disassembling wou ld cause termina tion of PENTAGRAM official warranty.
The LCD wo uld display “ Initializi ng......” aft er inserted the b attery into MP3
Player. There is no d isplay on LCD a fter finished initializ ation.
The battery is full.
The battery is exh austed. This ico n would flash whe n the battery is in low
3.2 Power On/Off
To power on MP3 Player, please hol d button, MP3 Player enters th e
MUSIC mode automatically after power on. To power off MP3 Player, please
hold button. When MP3 Player is in non-USB mode (except on play ing and
recording status), MP3 Player would power off automatically if there is no
operation duri ng the time which set in “SYS-Power Set ”. (Please re fer to 4 .5 for
Note: V anquish R USB suppor ts mem ory function, i t ca n automatically save all
settings of MP3 Pl ayer when it powe rs off normal ly.
3.3 HOLD
This function is used to prevent the b uttons from bein g operated acciden tally.
To lock all buttons p lease simply lock HOLD switch, a lock icon would ap pear
on the screen, and no button would be able to oper ate. To release the lo ck
status, please unlock HOLD switch.
3.4 Firmware Upda te
You can do wnload th e latest update t ool (if avai lable) f rom our w ebsite to
update Vanquish R USB. The upd ate steps are as t he following:
1. Please u ninstall “ Vanquish R U SB” i n y our co mputer f irst, t hen do uble
click the downloaded f ile “Setup.e xe”, new Vanq uish R U SB Utilities
would be installed automatically.
2. Run “ Start -> Programs -> PENTAGRA M Vanquish R USB -> Firm ware
Download” to up date firmware for Van quish R USB, click “Start” b utton to
begin update on the wi ndow of “Firmware Download”. It would prompt
“Complete” after upda ted, click “Close” button, then unpl ug Vanquish R
USB from the compu ter to finish.
3. You can also c lick the check bo x of “For mat Data Area” i n “Firm-ware
Download” window, click “Yes” bu tton in the pop-up win dow “Formatting
the data are a will erase all files stored o n the media, Co ntinue?”. Form at
Vanquish R USB would delete all data stored i n V anquish R USB, p lease
get backup first!
4. Click “S tart” b utton to format Vanquis h R USB. It would show “Co mplete”
upon format finished, click “Close ” to finish.
1. Firmware update c an i mprove and optimize t he p erformances of V an-
quish R USB, but Vanq uish R USB als o can work properly withou t firm-
ware update.
2. Vanquish R US B can not work properly due to misoperation! Please read
this m anual in detail before ope rating firmware up-date, and ask for help
from the computer e ngineer.
3. This firmware upd ate program is only available to Vanq uish R USB.
4. Mode Operations
Vanquish R USB includes the following m enus: MUSIC, FM, RECORDER, DEL,
SET, and ABOUT . T he details woul d be introduced as the following.
Keystroke operatio ns:
1. Press / button to select menu.
2. Press button to enter.
3. Press BACK/A-B b utton to return to pre vious men u.
Press / button to select MUSIC in main menu, pre ss button to en ter.
Press button to play a track.
Press button to pause the play ing track.
Hold button to stop playing i n playing/pause sta tus.
Rewind/Forward : Hold / but ton to rewind/forw ard the track.
Select Track: Press / button to select track.
Volume + Button
Neck S
Rotatable USB port
Earphone Jack