Special durgol
swiss espresso
swiss espresso
is highly effec-
tive and easy and safe to use, thus gua-
ranteeing trouble-free and quick decalcifi-
cation without additional exposure time.
Regular use ensures the optimum quality
of your coffee and extends the lifespan of
your automatic coffee pad appliance
thanks to its special protection formula.
swiss espresso
leaves no resi-
dues. When your appliance is rinsed after
decalcification as described in the opera-
ting instructions, you can enjoy your cof-
fee again without hesitation.
Please also observe the comprehensive
information on decalcification with dur-
swiss espresso
as well as the war-
ning notices, given in the booklet enclo-
sed with the decalcifier.
You can obtain durgol
swiss espresso
from select dealers or you can order them
directly from petra-electric. One package
of DED 18 contains two 125 ml portions.
One portion is sufficient for one complete