1 Slide the comb attachment onto the rails on the appliance until
you hear a click.
Make sure that the arms of the comb attachment have been properly
slid onto the rails on both sides.
2 Set the comb to the desired hair length by turning the hair
length adjustment ring (Precision Zoom Lock`) to the right or
to the left until the comb has been set to the desired hair
◗ We advise you to start clipping at the highest setting (large comb)
and to reduce the hair length setting in small steps until you reach
the desired hair length.
3 Switch the appliance on.
◗ Choose the appropriate hair cutting method from the booklet
'Modelling and Styling' or consult the interactive instruction
Tip: If a lot of hair has accumulated in the comb, remove the comb
attachment and blow and/or shake the hair from the comb. Removing
the comb does not change the hair length setting.
Tip:Write down the hair length settings selected to create a certain
hairstyle as a reminder for future clipping sessions.
Clipping without comb attachment
You can use the clipper without comb attachment to contour the nape
hairline and the area round the ears.You can also find instructions and
tips on the instruction CD-ROM.
1 Remove the comb attachment by pulling it off the appliance.
Never pull at the flexible top of the comb attachment. Always pull at
the arms.
The comb attachment keeps the cutting unit at a certain distance from
your head.This means that, if you use the clipper without the comb
attachment, your hair will be cut off very close to the skin.