The Jet Clean System has an automatic cleaning program. When you press the on/off button, the Jet Clean System starts cleaning in the
automatic cleaning program.
Fill the cleaning chamber before rst use.
1 Put the small plug in the Jet Clean System.
2 Put the adapter in the wall socket.
,The holder automatically moves to the highest position.
3 Simultaneously press the release buttons on both sides of the cleaning chamber (1). Then lift the Jet Clean System off the cleaning
chamber (2). (Fig. 28)
,The cleaning chamber remains behind.
4 Unscrew the cap from the bottle with cleaning uid.
5 Fill the cleaning chamber with HQ200 cleaning uid to a level between the two lines (Fig. 29).
6 Place the Jet Clean System back onto the cleaning chamber (Fig. 30).
Make sure the release buttons click back into place.
Note: If you use the shaver with shaving foam or shaving gel, we advise you to rinse it under the hot tap before you clean it in the Jet Clean System. This
guarantees an optimal lifetime for the cleaning uid.
1 Place the shaver upside down in the holder with the display pointing towards the front of the Jet Clean System (Fig. 18).
2 Press the shaver tightly into the holder to lock it into place (Fig. 19).
,The display shows that the shaver is charging (see chapter ‘The display’).
3 Press the on/off button on the Jet Clean System to start the cleaning program. (Fig. 31)
,The shaver display stops showing the charging indication.
,The cleaning light starts to ash and the shaver is automatically lowered into the cleaning uid (Fig. 32).
,The cleaning light ashes throughout the cleaning program, which takes a few minutes.
,During the rst phase of the cleaning program, the shaver automatically switches on and off several times and moves up and down.
,During the second phase of the cleaning program, the shaver is placed in the drying position, indicated by the ashing drying symbol.
This phase takes approx. 2 hours. The shaver stays in this position until the end of the program. (Fig. 33)
,After the cleaning program, the charging indication appears on the shaver display (see chapter ‘The display’).
Note: If you press the on/off button of the Jet Clean System during the cleaning program, the program aborts. In this case, the cleaning or drying light
stops ashing and the holder moves to the highest position.
Note: If you remove the adapter from the wall socket during the cleaning program, the program aborts. The holder remains in its current position. When
you put the adapter back into the wall socket, the holder moves to the highest position.
-When the cleaning uid drops below the minimum level, the ‘cleaning chamber empty’ symbol starts to ash and the holder returns to its
starting position (Fig. 34).
-If you use the washing machine to clean your shaver every day, you need to rell the cleaning chamber approx. every 15 days.
Clean the cleaning chamber every 15 days.
You can wipe the outside of the Jet Clean System with a damp cloth.
1 Simultaneously press the release buttons on both sides of the Jet Clean System (1). Then lift the Jet Clean System off the cleaning
chamber (2). (Fig. 28)
,The cleaning chamber remains behind.
2 Pour any remaining cleaning uid out of the cleaning chamber. (Fig. 35)
You can simply pour the cleaning uid down the sink.
3 Rinse the cleaning chamber under the tap (Fig. 36).
The cleaning chamber is not dishwasher-proof.
4 Fill the cleaning chamber with HQ200 cleaning uid to a level between the two lines (Fig. 29).
5 Place the Jet Clean System back onto the cleaning chamber. (Fig. 30)
Make sure the release buttons click back into place.
Make sure the appliance is switched off.
1 Pull the shaving head holder off the bottom part of the shaving unit (Fig. 26).
2 Slide the green retaining frame in the direction of the arrows indicated of the retaining frame (Fig. 37).
3 Lift the retaining frame out of the shaving head holder. (Fig. 38)
4 Remove the cutter from the shaving guard (Fig. 39).
was bitteschön ist ein Clean System? ich bekam einen Rasierapparat mit einem zusätzlichen Scherkopf für längere Haare geliefert, Rasiergel und eine Gesichtscreme und die Ladestation, woran erkanne ich, dass das Gerät vollständig aufgeladen ist? Eingereicht am 7-4-201513:24
"Wenn der Rasierer auflädt, blinkt zuerst die untere Ladeanzeige, dann die zweite Ladeanzeige usw., bis der Rasierer vollständig aufgeladen ist (Abb. 7)."
Beantwortet 7-4-201516:15
Nein, es bedeutet "Akku ist voll" aber das kommt auch auf das Modell an. Im Handbuch wird das alles erklärt; download ist kostenlos.
Beantwortet 7-4-201516:18
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