• Carefully read this “Instructions for Installation, Use and Maintenance“ in its entirety before lighting your stove for the rst time.
• Before lighting the stove for the rst time, check that the grate is properly placed and pushed back towards the bafe plate.
• There will be odours when lighting the rst few times due to the evaporation of paints and oils used during the manufacturing process.
During this stage, air the room well where the stove is installed and avoid staying there any length of time since the fumes being given off could be
harmful to persons or pets.
The stove body should have settled down and the paints fully evaporated after having lit the stove a few times.
To this end, follow the instructions given below when using the stove:
-operate at medium power for the rst 5-6 hours after igniting the fuel (the expansion caused by the heat during this stage will allow the stove
body to settle);
-after the settling-down stage the stove must be set to operate at maximum power for a period between 6 and 10 hours, depending on the amount
of paint on the stove body that must be evaporated off.
The time indicated for operation at maximum power does not necessarily have to be continuous, but may be divided up into two periods separated
by an interval of at least 3-4 hours with the stove shut down.
At the end of the recommended period the paint will have evaporated and the stove should be used at the suitable power for normal use.
If necessary the stove may be used for a further period at maximum power to ensure complete and nal disappearance of all paint residue.
When the hopper is being loaded for the rst time the loading auger needs time to ll up; during this stage the pellets are not distributed inside the
rebox and it is highly probable that the rst attempt at ignition fails. If the alarm is activated, shut down the stove by pressing the ON/OFF key for a
few moments, remove the fuel in the grate and then set the stove for a new ignition process.
• Before proceeding with lighting the stove:
aEnsure that the hearth door is well closed.
aNever use gasoline, gasoline-type lantern fuel, kerosene,
charcoal lighter uid, or similar liquids to start or ”freschen
up” a re in this heater. Keep all such liquids well away from
the heater wihle it is in use.
aWarning against overring:
-Pellets must not be fed manually into the burn pot.
-Never add additional fuel by hand.
-Do not ll the hopper with any fuels other than wood pellet.
-Accumulated un-burnt pellets in the burn pot after a failed
ignition must be removed before starting a new ignition
aOperate unit only with hopper lid closed.
Failure to do so may result in emmision of products of
combustion from the hopper under certain conditions.
• Check that the pellet tank is full or at least contains enough pellets for
the stove to run for the desired period.
• When the stove is connected to the power supply but is not yet lit, the
display will show the readout OFF and in the lower half the current
time, the measured temperature and the previously set power and
Hallo, auf der Fernbedienung vom Pelletofen ist rechts im Display ein E ( von Energy save) Und der Ofen geht nicht an bzw. die FB lässt sich nicht einschalten. Vielen Dank für die Antwort
Eingereicht am 29-9-202208:55
Wunderschönen guten Tag Ich brauche eine deutsche Betriebsanleitung für die Fernbedienung für meinen pelletsofen Piazzetta. Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Eingereicht am 20-11-201908:41
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