To ensure trouble-free operation the stove must have the necessary
air available for combustion and this is provided through the fresh air
The fresh air intake must:
-have a total free cross section at least equal to the size given in the
paragraph “TECHNICAL DATA”;
-be protected by a grille or suitable guard provided it does not reduce
the minimum recommended section;
-be in a position whereby it cannot be obstructed.
It is recommended that the stove be connected to an outside source of
combustion air under certain conditions (negative pressure).
To install outside air use any 2” I.D. exible metal hose or rigid metal
pipe (conduit).
It must be connected around (NOT INSIDE) the combustion air inlet tube
(Fig. 3).
Increase the outside air pipe diameter to 3” for runs over 15 ft (4,5 m)
and elevation over 4 ft (1 m).
aLong runs should be avoided.
Be careful not to pinch or bend the outside air pipe with too small a
Outside Air Pipe may be terminated ush with the outside wall but
should be protected from wind and weather by a hood.
aThe outside air pipe must terminate above the maximum
snow line and below the exhaust vent outlet.
Take care not to draw cold air past water pipes that may freeze.
An open mesh screen should be placed over the outside air pipe opening
to prevent birds or rodents from nesting in the opening. Use an elbow or
shield to prevent prevailing winds from blowing directly into the outside
air intake pipe.
Contact local building authority before installation to determine if a permit and/or inspection is required.
When locating your appliance, consider the building structure to ensure the vent will not interfere with any ceiling joists, roof rafters, wall studs, water
pipes or electrical wiring. It may be easier to relocate the appliance than to rework the building structure.
The room where the appliance is to be installed must comply with the following requirements:
aThey must not be used as a garage, store for combustible material or for activities with a risk of re.
aLocating the stove in a room with an explosive athmosphere is prohibited.
aThey must not be in a vacuum in relation to the outside environment due to the effect of contrary draught caused by the presence in
the room where the replace is installed of another appliance or an extractor device.
dThe stove or rebox must not be used simultaneously with collective type ventilation ducts with or without extractor fan, other
devices or other appliances such as: forced ventilation systems or other heating systems using ventilation to change the air. Such
systems could cause a vacuum in the environment of installation even if installed in adjoining or communicating rooms.
2" O.D.
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
NOTE: Mesh screen should be no smaller than 1/4” by 1/4” (6,4 by 6,4
aOutside combustion air is required for all mobile home
installations and where building codes require.
aIn bedroom or bathroom installations the outside air
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