4 Pinnacle Studio
For simplicity, we generally refer to the different
options panels independently, as in “the Project
preferences options panel”.
Detailed explanations of the options in both dialog
boxes are contained in Appendix A: Setup Options.
Additional options for importing are provided on the
Mode panel of the Import Wizard. The options
available depend on the type of media you plan to
import, as explained under “The Mode panel” on page
Studio opens in Edit mode each time it is launched,
because that is the mode you use most often. The Edit
mode display includes three main areas.
The Album stores resources you will use in your
movies, including your captured video scenes.
The Movie Window is where you create your edited
movie by arranging video and sound clips, and by
applying transitions and effects.
The Player provides playback and previewing for
whichever item is currently selected in Studio. That
may be an Album resource – such as a video scene, title
or sound effect – or your edited movie, complete with
transitions, titles, effects and several audio tracks. The
Player is covered below.