334 Pinnacle Studio 9
Kbyte (also KB): One Kbyte (kilobyte) contains 1024
bytes. The “K” here stands for the number 1024
), and not 1000 as in the metric prefix.
Key color: A color whose display is suppressed so that
a background image can show through. Most
commonly used when overlaying one video sequence
on top of another, allowing the underlying video to
display wherever the key color appears.
Key frames: In some compression methods, such as
MPEG, the video data of certain frames – the key
frames – is stored completely in the compressed file,
while any intervening frames are only partially saved.
On decompression these partial frames reconstruct their
data from the key frames.
Laser disc: Medium that stores analog video.
Information on laser discs cannot be modified.
LPT: Parallel port
Luminance: Brightness
M1V: (File extension for) an MPEG file that contains
video data only. MPA, MPEG, MPG
Mbyte (also MB): One Mbyte (megabyte) corresponds
to 1024 Kbytes – 1024 x 1024 bytes.
Mark In / Mark Out: In video editing, the mark in
and mark out times refer to the starting and ending
timecodes that identify the portions of clips to be
included in the project.
MCI: Media Control Interface. Programming interface
developed by Microsoft recording and playing back
audio and video data. It is also used to connect a
computer to an external video source such as a VCR or
laser disc.