Лицензии и тов арные знаки
Manufactured under licen se from Dol by Laborator ies. Dolby , Dolby Atmos,
Dolby Surroun d and the d ouble-D symbo l are trade m arks of Do lby
For DTS pat ents, see http://patents.d ts.com. Manufactured u nder license from
DTS, Inc. DTS, the Symb ol, DTS in combination with the Symbol, the DTS - HD
logo, a nd DTS-HD Master Aud io are reg istered tr ademar ks or tra demarks of
DTS, Inc. in the United S tates and/or other countries. © DTS, Inc. All Ri ghts
Reserved .
The ter ms HDM I and HDM I Hig h-Definition Mu ltimedia Interface, and t he HDMI
Logo are tradem arks or register ed trademarks o f HDMI Licensing LLC in the
United S tates and other countries.
The Wi-Fi CERTI FIED Logo i s a certific ation ma rk of the Wi -Fi Alliance
AirPlay , iPad, iPhon e, and iPod touch are trad emarks of Apple Inc., regist ered
in the U.S. a nd other count ries.
iPad Air and iPad mini are tra demarks of App le Inc.
“Made for iPod”, “Made f or iPhone” and “Made for iPad” mean that an electronic
accessory has been designed to co n nect specifica lly to iPod, iPhone, or iPad,
respect ively , and ha s been certifi ed by the dev eloper to meet Apple
performan ce standa rds. Apple is not responsi ble for the operat ion o f t hi s d e vi ce
or its com pliance with safety and regu latory sta ndards.
Please note that th e use of this accessory with iPod, iP hone or iPad ma y a ffe ct
wireless perf ormance.
AirPlay works with iPhone, iPa d, and iPod t ouch with iOS 4.3.3 or later, Mac
with OS X Mo untain Li on or la ter , and PC with iT unes 10.2.2 or later .
Apple, App le TV and Safari are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S.
and oth er count ries.
word mark and logos are reg istered trad emarks owned b y
Bluetooth SIG , Inc. and any use of suc h marks by Onkyo C orporation i s under
license. Oth er trademarks and trade names are those of the ir respe ctive
文字標誌和圖形標誌為 Bluetooth SIG, Inc. 所有的註冊商標,且
Onkyo Corporation 在授權下使用任何該等標記。其他商標和商名為各自所有者
Onkyo Corporation does not guarantee BLUETOOTH compatibility between the
A V rec eiver and all BLUETOOTH enabled d evices.
For compatibility between the A V receiver and another device with
BLUETOOTH technology , consul t the device’ s documentation an d dealer . In
some countrie s, there may be restrictions on us ing BLUETOO TH devices.
Check with your local authorities.
Onkyo Corporation ne garantit pas la compatibilité BLUETOOTH entre l'ampli-
tuner A V et tous les appareils compatibles BLUET OOTH.
Pour assurer la com patibilité en tre l'ampli-tuner A V et un autre périphér ique à
technologie B LUETOOTH, consultez la d ocumentati on de l'app areil et le
vendeur . Dans certains pays, il peu t exister des restriction s sur l'utilisation
d'appa reils BLUET OOTH. Vérif iez auprès des autorités locales.
Onkyo Corporation no gar antiza la compatibilidad BLUETOOTH entre el
receptor de A V y todos l os dispositivos con t ecnología BLUETOOTH.
Para obtener información sob re la compatibilid ad en tre el recepto r de A V y otro
dispositivo con tecno logía BLUET OOTH, consulte al distribu idor y la
document ación del disp ositivo. En algu nos país es, es posible que el us o de
dispositivos BLUETOOTH esté restrin gido. Consulte con las autori dades
Onkyo Co rporation non garantisce la compatibilità BLUETOOTH tra il ricevitore
A V e tutti i dispositivi abilitati al BLUETOOTH.
Per verificare la compatibilità tra il ricevitore A V e un altro dispositivo dotato di
tecnologia BL UETOOTH , consultar e la document azione del dispositivo in
questione o cont attare il rivenditore. In alcuni Paesi p o trebbero es i stere delle
limitazioni per l'utilizzo di dispositivi BLUETOOTH. V er ificare le condizioni con
le autorità locali.
Onkyo Corpora tion garanti ert nicht die
Kompatibilität zwischen
dem A V-Receiver und allen
fähigen Geräte n.
Zur Kompat i bilität zwischen dem A V -Receiver und einem anderen Gerät mit
BLUETOOTH T echn ologie, schauen Sie in die Dokumentat ion des Gerät s und
fragen Sie de n Händler . Es kann sein, dass es in ein igen Ländern
Beschränkungen zur Nutzung der BLUETOOTH Geräte gibt. Pr üfen Sie das bei
Ihren lokal en Behörden .
Onkyo Corpora tion garandeert niet de
compatibilite it tussen de
A V-receiver en alle
apparat en.
Raadpleeg voor compatibiliteit tussen de A V-receiver en een ander a pparaat
technologie de document atie van het a pparaat o f de
verkoper. In sommige landen geldt mogelijk een beperking op het gebruik van
appara tuur . Controleer de wetgevi ng in het lan d van gebruik.
Корпорация Onk yo не гара нтирует совме стимость по св язи BLUET OOTH
между A V -ресивером и всеми устройства ми с функцией BLU ETOOTH.
Сведе ния о совместимости ме жду A V-ресиве ром и другим устройством с
функцией B LUETOOTH можно получить в документ ации на устройство и у
его про давца. В некоторых странах могут действ овать ограничен ия на
использ ование устройств с ф ункцией BLUETOOTH. Для по лучения
информации по э тому вопро су обращайтесь к предст авите лям местной
влас ти .
Onkyo Corpora tion 不保證 AV 接收器與所有
有關 AV 接收器與其他配備
P ANDORA, the P ANDORA logo, and the Pando ra trade dress are tr ademarks
or registered tra demarks of Pandor a Media, Inc. Used with permission.
Google Cast an d the Google Ca st badge are tr ademarks of G oogle inc.
The product with t his logo is conformed to Hi-Res A udio stand ard defined by
Japan Audio S ociety . This logo is used under license fr om Jap an Aud io S oc iet y .
This pr oduct i s protecte d by certa in intellectual property rights of Mi cr oso ft. Use
or distribution of su ch technology out side of this product is prohibited w ithout a
license from Microsoft.
Windows and th e Windows lo go are trade marks of the M icrosoft g roup of
QR Code is a registered tr ademark of DENSO W A VE INCORPORA TED.
“x.v .Color” and “ x.v .Color” logo are trad emarks of Sony Corporation.
DSD and the Direct S tream Digital logo are trademarks of Sony Corpora tion.
MPEG Layer-3 a udio coding technology license d from Fraunhofer IIS and
“All other trademarks are the proper ty of their respective owners.”
“T outes les aut res marques commerciales sont la propriété de leurs déten teurs
“El resto de marcas comerciale s son propiedad de sus respectivos
propietar ios”.
“Tu tti gli altri marchi di f abbrica sono di proprietà dei rispettiv i propriet ari.”
“Alle anderen Wa r enzeichen sind das Eigentum ihrer jeweil igen Eigentüme r . ”
“Alle andere h andelsmerken zi jn eigendom van de desbetr effende
rechthebbenden .”
“Все товарные знак и являю тся собственностью соотве тствующих
вла дель цев .”
“ 所有其他商標為各自所有者所有。 ”
SN29402191_VSX-1 131_BAS_Ru.book 30 ペ ージ 201 6年1月19日 火曜日 午後5 時3分