Additional Information
The comp onent connected to the networ k does not pe rmit file
sharing. Try changing the settings fo r the com ponent
connected to the network.
The folder sto r ed on the comp onent c onnected to the networ k
has been deleted or damaged. Check the folder sto red on the
comp onent connected to the netwo r k.
Cannot access the component connected to the network.
The com ponent connected to the netwo rk is not pro pe rly set. If
the client is automatically authorized, yo u need to enter the
corr esp ondi ng infor mation again . Check whether the
connection status is set to “Do not author ize”.
The re a re no playable audio files on the com ponent connected
to the networ k. Check the audio files stor ed on the component
connected to the network.
Audio playback is undesirably stopped or disturbed.
The audio file currently be ing p layed back was not r eco rded in
a for mat playable on this r eceiver.
Check whether the audio file was r ecorded in a format
supp or ted by this r eceive r .
Check whether the folde r has been damaged or co rrup ted.
Note that ther e ar e cases wher e even the audio files liste d as
playable on this receive r cannot be played back o r dis played
(p age 22).
The LAN cable is cu rrent ly disconnected. Connect the LAN
cable pro pe r ly ( p age 10).
The re is heavy t raffic on the netwo rk with the Inte rnet being
accessed on the same networ k. Use 100BASE- TX to access
the components on the netwo rk.
Cannot access Windows Media Player 11 or Windows Media
Player 12.
In case of Windows Medi a Player 11: Yo u a r e curr ently logged
onto the domain through your PC with W indows XP or
Windows V ista installed. Instead of logging onto the domain,
log onto the local machine (page 20).
In case of Windows Medi a Player 12: Yo u a r e curr ently logged
onto the domain through your PC with W indows 7 installed.
Instead of logging onto the d omain, log onto the local
machine (page 20).
Cannot listen to Internet radio stations.
The fi rewall settings fo r com ponents on the netwo rk a re
curr ently in ope r ation. Check the fi r ewall set tings for
comp onents on the netwo r k.
You a re cu rrently disconnected f rom the Inte rnet. Check the
connection settings for com p onents on the networ k, and
consult with your netwo rk se r vice pr ovider if necessary
(p age 21).
The b roadcasts f rom an Inte rnet radio station a re sto pped o r
interr up ted. The r e a r e cases whe r e you cannot listen to some
Inter net r adio stations even when they ar e list ed in the list of
Inter net r adio stations on this receive r ( page 20).
The NETWORK function cannot be operated with the
buttons on the remote control.
The remote cont rol is not c urrently set to the NETWORK
mode. Press NETWORK to set the r emote contr ol to the
NETWORK mode (p age 20).
Troubleshooting of wireless LAN
Network cannot be accessed via wireless LAN.
Wir eless LAN conve r te r ’s p ow er is not on (Wireless LAN
conver ter’s “Power ”, “WPS” and “Wi reless” indicato rs a re not
all lit). Check that the USB cable connecting the wir eless LA N
conver ter to the r eceiver’s DC OUTPUT for WIRELESS LAN
terminal is pro pe r ly connected.
The LAN cable is not fi rmly connected. F irmly conne ct the
LAN cable (p age 10).
Wir eless LAN conve r te r and base unit (wi r eless LAN r oute r,
etc.) ar e too far a pa r t or the re is an obstacle between them.
Improve the wi r eless LAN envir onment by movi ng the wir eless
LAN co nver ter an d base unit closer together, etc.
The re is a mic rowave oven o r othe r device gene rating
electr omagnetic waves nea r the wi r eless LAN environment.
Use the system in a place away f r om mic rowave ovens o r
other s device gene r ating elect r omagnetic waves.
Avoid using devices gener ating electromagnetic waves as
much as p ossible when using the system with the wir eless
Multi ple wi reless LAN conve rte rs a re connected to the
wir eless LAN r outer. When connecting multiple wi reless L AN
conver ter s, their IP addr esses must be changed. For example,
if the wir eless LAN r outer ’s IP add r ess is “”, set the
fir st wi r eless LAN conve r te r ’s IP add r ess to “”,
the second wir eless LAN converter ’s IP addr ess to
“”, using values between 2 an d 249 (such as
“249” and “248”) that ar e not assigned to other wi r eless LAN
conver ter s or to other devices.
Wir eless LAN connections cannot be established between the
wir eless LAN conve r te r and base unit (wi r eless LAN r outer,
With the wireless LAN conve rte r connected to the receive r,
tur n the r eceive r ’s powe r off, un plug the powe r co rd f rom the
powe r outlet, then plug the powe r co rd back in and tu rn the
receive r’s powe r on.
The wireless LAN conve r ter must be set in orde r to establish
wir eless LAN connections. For details, refe r to the oper ating
instructions of the wi reless LAN conve rte r.
The wi reless LAN conve rte r is pr o pe rly connected to the
receive r and the wi reless LAN conve rte r’s indicato rs a re lit,
but the wir eless LAN converte r cannot be set fr om the r eceiver
(the settings scr een cannot be displayed).
If Network Modes in the r eceive r ’s Network Settings is set
to STATIC and the IP ad dr ess has been set manually , the IP
addr ess set in the wi r eless LAN conver ter may not match. In
the r eceiver’s Network Settings , set Network Modes to
DHCP. Afte r the setting is com pleted, tu rn the receive r’s
powe r off . Next, turn the r eceiver’s powe r back on and check
whether the wir eless L AN conve r te r ’s settings can be
disp layed with the r eceive r.
If the settings c an be disp layed, change the IP address
settings of the receive r and wireless LAN conve rte r as
necessar y.
The IP add ress settings of the receive r and wi reless LAN
conver ter do not match the settings of the wi r eless LAN
route r, et c.
Check the IP addr ess settings of the r eceiver and wi r eless
LAN c onverte r (including the Network Modes ).
If the r eceiver ’s Network Modes is DHCP, turn the r eceiver ’s
powe r off , then turn the powe r back on.
Check that the IP addr esses of the receive r and wi r eless LAN
conver ter match the settings of the wi r eless L AN r outer, etc.
If the r eceive r ’s Network Modes is STATIC , set an IP add r ess
matching the network of the base unit (wi r eless LAN route r,
For examp le, if the wi r eless LAN r outer ’s IP add r ess is
“”, set the r eceiver ’s IP addr ess to “192.168.1.XXX”
(*1), the subnet mask to “”, the gateway and
DNS to “”.
Next, set the wir eless LAN conver ter’s I P add r ess to
“” (*2).
(*1) Set the “XXX” in “192.168.1.XXX” to a number between 2
and 248 that is not assigned to other devices.
(*2) Set the “249” in “” to a number between 2
and 249 that is not assigned to other devices.
Try making the wi reless L AN conve rte r’s advanced settings.
The wir eless LAN conve rte r can be connected to a comp uter
to make the advanced wir eless LAN settings. F or details, see
the CD-ROM included for the wi r eless LAN conver ter. Check
the settings of the wir eless LAN route r, etc., then chang e the
settings of the wireless LAN conve rte r.
Note, howe ver, that making the advanced wir eless LAN 30 ページ 2011年8月10日 水曜日 午後2時9分