Additional Information
[This is the fir st r eleas ed version of the
Lesser GPL. It also counts as the successor
of the GNU Libr ar y Public License, ver sion
2, hence the ver sion numbe r 2.1.]
The licenses for most softwar e ar e designed
to take away your f reedom to sha r e and
change it. By contr ast, the GNU Gene r al
Public Licenses ar e intended to guar antee
your fr eedom to sha r e and change f r ee
software--to make su re the softwa re is f ree
for all its users.
This li cense, the L esser General Public
License, app lies to some sp eciall y
designated software packages --ty pically
libra r ies--of the Free Softwa re Foundation
and other autho r s who d ecide to use it. You
can use it too, but we suggest you fir st think
carefully about whethe r this license or the
or dina r y General Public License is the
better st r ategy to use in any p ar ticula r ca
based on the exp lanati ons be low.
When we speak of free softwa r e, we are
refe rring to f reedom of use, not price. Ou r
Gener al Public Lic enses ar e designed to
make sur e that you have the freedom to
distribute co p ies of free softwa re (and
charge fo r this service if you wish); that you
receive sou rce code o r can get it if you want
it; that you can change the softwar e and
use p ieces of it in new f r ee pr og r ams; and
that you ar e infor med that you can do these
To protect y ou r rights, we need to make
rest rictions that fo rbid dist ributo rs to deny
you these r ights o r to ask you to surr ender
these r ig
hts. T hese r estr ictions t r anslate to
cer tain res p onsibilities for you if you
distribute co p ies of the libra ry o r if you
modify it.
For exam p le, if you dist r ibute co p ie s of the
libra r y, whe ther g ratis o r for a fee, you must
give the recip ients all the r ights that we
gave you. You must make sur e that they,
too, r eceive o r can get the sour ce code. If
you link other code with the libr ar y, y ou
must pr ovide com p lete object files to the
reci pients, so that they can relink them with
the libra r y after making changes to the
libra r y and r ecomp il
ing it. And you must
show them these ter ms so they know their
We protect y ou r r ights with a two-step
method: (1) we copy r ight the lib ra ry, and (2)
we offer you this license, which gives you
legal pe r mission to copy, dist r ibute and/ or
modify the libr ar y.
To protect each dist r ibutor, we want to
make it ver y clear that the r e is no warranty
for the f ree lib ra ry. Also, if the lib ra ry is
modified by someone else and p assed on,
the r ecip ients should know that what they
have is not the or iginal ve r sion, so that the
or iginal au thor's re putation will not be
affected by pr oblems that might be
intr oduc
ed by others.
Finally, softwar e patents pose a constant
thr eat to the existence of any fr ee pr og r am.
We wish to make sur e that a comp any
cannot effectively rest r ict the users of a f ree
prog ram by obtaini ng a rest r ictive license
fr om a p atent holder. The refo re, we insist
that any patent license obtained fo r a
ver sion of the libra ry must be consistent
with the full fr eedom of use sp ecified in this
Most GNU softwar e, includin g some
libra r ies, is covered by the o r dinary GNU
General Public License. This license, the
GNU Lesser Gene r al Publi c License,
app lies to ce r tain designated lib r ar ie
s, and
is quite different f rom the o r dinary Gene ral
Public License. We use this license for
certain lib ra ries in o r der to pe r mit lin king
those libra r ies into non-free pr ograms.
When a pr ogram is linked with a lib ra ry,
whether s tatically or using a sha red lib ra ry,
the combination of the two is legally
sp eaking a combined wo r k, a de r ivative of
the or iginal lib r ar y. The o r dina r y Gene r al
Public License ther efor e p er mits such
linking only if the en tir e combination fits its
cr iter ia of f r eed
om. The Lesser Gen er al
Public License p er mits mor e lax cr ite r ia fo r
linking other code with the lib ra ry.
We call this license the “Lesser” Gen e ral
Public License because it does Less to
protect the use r's f reedom than the o rdina ry
General Public License. It also provides
other fr ee softwa r e develo p er s Less of an
advanta ge over com peting n on-free
prog rams. These disadvantages are the
reason we use the o rdina ry Gene ral Pu blic
License for many lib r ar ies. Howeve r , the
Lesser license pr ovid es advantages in
certain s pecial ci rcumstances.
For exam p le
, on ra re occasions, the re may
be a special need to encou rage the widest
possible use of a ce rtain lib ra ry, so that it
becomes a de-facto stand ard. To achieve
this, non-fr ee pr og rams must be allowed to
use the libr ar y. A mo r e fr equent case is that
a free lib ra ry does the same job as widely
used non-fr ee li bra r ies. In this case, ther e is
little to gain by limiting the fr ee lib r ar y to
fr ee softwar e only, so we use the Lesser
General Public License.
In other cases, p er mission to use a
pa rticul ar libra ry in non-f ree pr ograms
enables a greate r numbe r of peo ple
to use
a lar ge body of free softwa re. Fo r exam ple,
pe rmission to use the GNU C Lib ra ry in non-
fr ee pr ogr ams enables many mo r e p eop le
to use the whole GNU op er ating syst em, as
well as its var iant, the GNU/Linux op er ating
Although the Lesser Gene r al Pu blic License
is Less protective of the use rs’ f r eedo m, it
does ensur e that the user of a pr og r am that
is linked with the Libra r y has the freedom
and the wh er ewithal to run that pr ogr am
using a modified ver sion of the Libr ar y.
The pr ecise ter ms and conditi ons for
cop yi
ng, distribution and mo difica tion
follow. Pay close attention to the differ ence
between a “wor k based on the libra r y” and a
“work that uses the lib ra ry”. The fo rme r
contains code der ived from the lib ra ry,
whereas the latte r must be combined with
the libra r y in orde r to run.
0. This License Agr eement a pp lies to any
software lib ra ry o r othe r prog ram which
contains a notice p laced by the
cop yr ight holde r or other autho r ized
pa rty saying i t may be distr ibuted u nder
the ter ms of this Lesser Gene r al Pu blic
License (also called “this License”).
Each licensee is addr essed as “you”.
A “libra ry” means a collection of
software functions and/o r data
pre pa red so as to be conveniently linked
with applicat ion prog r ams (w hich use
some of those functions and data) to
for m executables.
The “Libra r y”, below, refe r s to any such
softwar e lib ra r y or wo rk which has been
distr ib
uted under these te rms. A “wo rk
based on the L ibra r y” means either the
Libr ar y o r any de r ivative wo r k und er
cop yr ight law: that is to say, a wor k
containing the Libr ar y o r a p or tion of it,
either ve r batim o r with modifications
and/or tr anslated str ai ghtfor wa r dly into
another language. (Her einafter ,
tr anslation is include d without
limitation in the ter m “modification” .)
“Sour ce co de” fo r a wo r k means the
prefe rr ed fo rm of the wo rk f or maki ng
modifications to it. For a lib r ar y,
mp lete sou r ce code means all the
sour ce cod e for all modules it contains,
plus any associated inte rface definition
files, plus the sc ri pts used to cont r ol
comp ilation and installation of the
libr ar y.
Activities other than cop ying,
distr ibution and modification a r e not
cover ed by this License; they a r e outside
its scope. The act of running a pr ogram
using the Libra r y is not rest ricted, and
outp ut fr om such a pr ogr am is cove red
only if its contents constitute a wor k
based on the L ibra r y (independent of
the use of the Libra r y in a tool for w riting
it). Whether that is t rue de pends on
at the Libra r y does and what the
prog ram that uses the Lib ra ry does.
1. You ma y copy and dist r ibute verbatim
cop ies of the Lib r ar y's com p lete sou r ce
code as you receive it, in any medium,
provided that you cons picuously and
appr opr iate ly p ublish on each cop y an
appr opr iate co p yr ight notice and
disclaimer of wa rranty; kee p intact all
the notices that refe r to this License and
to the absence of any warr anty; and
distr ibute a co p y of this License along
with the Libr ar y.
You may char ge a fee for the p hysical
act of transfe rr ing a cop y, and you may
at your o ption offe r wa rranty prot
ectio n
in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your cop y or co pies of
the Libr ar y o r any p or tion of it, thus
forming a wo rk based on the Lib ra ry,
and cop y and distr ibute such
modifications or wo r k under the te rms
of Section 1 above, provided that you
also meet all of these conditions:
a) The modified work must itself be a
softwar e libra r y.
b) You must cause the files modified to
carr y pr ominent notices stating that
you changed th e files and the date of
any change.
c) You must cause the whole of the work
to b e l i c e n s e d a t n o c har ge to all thir d
pa rties unde r the te rms of this
Licen se.
d) If a facility in the modified Libr ar y
refe rs to a function o r a table of da ta
be supp lied by an a pp lication
prog ram that uses the facility, othe r
than as an argument passed when
the facility is invoked, then you must
make a good faith effor t to ensur e
that, in the event an app lication does
not supp ly such function o r table, the
facility still ope rates, and pe rfo rms
whatever p ar t of its p urp ose r emai ns
(For exam p le, a function in a lib r ar y to
comp ute squar e r oots has a p urp ose
that is entir ely well-defin ed independent
of the app licat ion. Therefo re,
Subsection 2d requi r es that any
app licati on-supp lied function o r table
used by this function must b e op tional:
the app lication does not su pp ly it, the
square root function must still com pute
square r oots.)
These r equir ement s apply to the
modified wor k as a whole. If identifiable
sections of that wor k ar e not der ived
fr om the Libr ar y, and ca n be r easonably
consid er ed inde p endent and se p ar ate
wor ks in themselves, then this License,
and its terms, do not a pp ly to those
sections when you distribute them as
sepa rate wo rks. But when you dist ribute
the same sections as p ar t of a whole
which is a work based on the L ib ra r y,
the distr ibution of the whole mu st be on
the ter ms of this License, whose
pe rmissions fo r othe r licensees extend
to the entire whole, and thus to each
and every pa rt reg
ar dless of who w r ote
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to
claim r ights o r contest your r ights to
wor k wr itten entir ely by you; r ather , the
intent is to exer cise the r ight to cont r ol
the distr ibution of de r ivativ e or
collective works based on the Lib ra ry.
In addition, mer e agg r egation of
another wo r k not based on the Libr ar y
with the Libra r y (or with a wor k based on
the Libr ar y) on a volume of a sto r age o r
distr ibution medium does not br ing the
other wo r k under the scop e of
3. You may opt to a pp ly the te rms of the
or dina r y GNU Gene r al Public License
instead of this License to a g iven cop y of
the Libr ar y. To do this, you must alter all
the notices that r efer to this License, so
that they refe r to the o rdina ry GNU
Gener al Public License, ve r sion 2,
instead of to this License. (If a newer
ver sion t han ve r sion 2 of the or dina r y
GNU General Public License has
app ear ed, then you can sp ecify that
ver sion instead if you wish.) Do not
make any other change in these
Once this change is made in a given
cop y, it is irr ever sible for that co p y, so
the or dina r y GNU Ge neral Public
License app lies to all sub sequent
cop ies and der
ivative works ma
de fr om
that cop y.
This option is useful when you wish to
copy pa rt of the code of the Lib ra ry into
a pr og r am that is not a lib r ar y.
4. You may cop y an d distribute the Lib ra ry
(or a p or tion o r de r ivative of it, under
Section 2) in object code or executable
form unde r the te r ms of Sections 1 and
2 above pr ovided that you acc omp any it
with the comp lete corr esp onding
machine-r eadable sour ce code, which
must be distr ibuted unde r the ter ms of
Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customar ily used fo r softwa r e
If distr ibution of object c ode is made by
offer i
ng access to copy f rom a
designa ted p lace, then offer ing
equivalent access to cop y the sou r ce
code from the same p lace satisfies the
requi rement to dist ribute the sou rce
code, even though third p a r ties a re not
compelled to co py the sou rce along
with the object code.
5. A prog ram that contains no de rivat ive of
any p or tion of the Libr ar y, but is
designed to work with the Lib ra r y by
being co mp iled or linked with it, is
called a “work that uses the Libra ry”.
Such a wor k, in is olatio n, is not a
der ivative wo r k of the Libr ar y, and
ther efor e falls outside the scop e of this
ever , linking a “wo r k that uses the
Libra ry” with the Lib ra ry c reates an
executable that is a derivative of the
Libra ry (because it contains po r tions of
the Libr ar y), r at her than a “wo rk that
uses the libr ar y”. The executable is
ther efor e cove r ed by this License.
Section 6 states ter ms fo r dist r ibution of
such executables.
When a “work that uses the Lib ra ry”
uses mater ial f r om a header file that is
pa rt of the Lib ra ry, the object code fo r
the wor k may be a de r ivative work of the
Libra ry even though the sou r ce code is
not. Whether this is tr ue is esp e
significant if the work can be lin ked
without the Libra r y, o r if the wo r k is itself
a libra r y. The thr eshold for this to be t rue
is not precisel y defined by law.
If such an object file uses only
numer ical p ar ameter s, data str uctur e
layouts and accessor s, an d small
macr os and small inline functi ons (ten
lines or less in length), then the use of
the object file is unr estr icted,
rega rdless of whethe r it is legally a
der ivative work. (Executables
containing this object code p lu s
po rtions of the Lib ra ry will still fal l under
Section 6.)
Other wise, if the wor k is a de r ivative of
the Libr ar y, you may dist r ibute the
object code for the wo rk unde r the
ter m
s of Section 6. Any executables
containing that wor k also fall un der
Section 6, whether o r not they ar e linked
directly with the Lib ra r y itself.
6. As an excep tion to the Sections above,
you may also combine or link a “wo rk
that uses the Libr ar y” with the Libr ar y to
produce a wo rk containing po rtions of
the Libr ar y, and d istr ibute that work
under ter ms of you r choice, pr ov ided
that the ter ms p er mit modification of
the work fo r the custome r’s own use
and r ever se engineer ing fo r debugging
such modifications.
You must give prominent notice with
each cop y of the wor k that the Libr ar y i
used in it and that the Libra r y an d its
use ar e cove r ed by this License. You
must supp ly a co p y of this License. If the
wor k du r ing execution disp lays
copy right notices, you must include the
copy right notice fo r the Lib ra ry among
them, as well as a refe rence di recting
the user to the cop y of this License.
Also, you must do one of these things:
a) Accompany the wo rk with the
comp lete corr esp onding mac hine -
readable sou rce code fo r the Lib ra ry
including wh atever changes we re
used in the work (which must be
distr ibuted unde r Sections 1 and 2
above); and, if the work is an
executable linked with the Libra ry, 37 ページ 2011年8月10日 水曜日 午後2時9分