Choose metric (kg, cm) or imperial (lb, ft). Set the units used to measure weight, height, distance and speed.
You can choose the language you want to use on your watch. Your watch supports the following languages: Bahasa
Indonesia, Čeština, Dansk, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Italiano, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português,
Русский, Suomi, Svenska, 简体 中 文 , 日 本 語 and Türkçe.
Set the inactivity alert On or Off.
Check the device ID of your watch, as well as the firmware version, HW model, A-GPS expiry date and the Polar Ignite-
specific regulatory labels.
Restart your watch: If you experience problems with your watch, you can try restarting it. Restarting the watch will
not delete any of the settings or your personal data from the watch. Tap the display to restart and tap again to
confirm the restart. You can also restart your watch by pressing and holding the BACK button for 10 seconds.
To view and edit your physical settings, go to Settings > Physical settings. It is important that you are precise with
the physical settings, especially when setting your weight, height, date of birth and sex, as they have an impact on the
accuracy of the measuring values, such as the heart rate zone limits and calorie expenditure.
In Physical settings you'll find:
l Weight
l Height
l Date of birth
l Sex
l Training background
l Activity goal
l Preferred sleep time
l Maximum heart rate
l Resting heart rate
l VO
Set your weight in kilograms (kg) or pounds (lbs).
Set your height in centimeters (metric) or in feet and inches (imperial).