If you find this movement too difficult, you can change your position on the Ab-Gym. If
you slide further back on the seat, you should find the movement easier. It is important
to make sure that you keep your knees bent. The exercise will be easier if you bend your
knees more and sit further back.
As your muscles get stronger you can gradually increase the intensity of the exercise.
You can do this by sliding your body further forward. The further forward you slide, the
greater the resistance.
Upper Crunch
For this exercise you need to lean forward slightly on the Ab-Gym, then raise your legs
to the horizontal position. Repeat this exercise 10 to 20 times, then rest for 60 to 90
seconds. Beginners should repeat this session twice. If you are fairly fit you should
repeat it 3 times; if you train on a regular basis you should repeat it 4 times.
Oblique Crunch
Turn your torso slightly to one side and sit with one buttock on the seat of the Ab-Gym.
Lift your legs until they are at right angles to your torso. Repeat this exercise 10 to 20
times, then rest for 60 to 90 seconds. Then shift your weight to the other buttock and
repeat the exercise on the other side. Beginners should repeat this session twice. If you
are fairly fit you should repeat it 3 times; if you train on a regular basis you should
repeat it 4 times.
Leg Extension
Only do this exercise if you train on a regular basis! Adjust the foot rest so that you can
stretch your legs. Place your feet on the foot rest and sit up with your back straight.
Raise your legs to the horizontal position. Repeat this exercise 10 to 20 times, then rest
for 60 to 90 seconds. Beginners should repeat this session twice. If you are fairly fit you
should repeat it 3 times; if you train on a regular basis you should repeat it 4 times.
Lower Crunch
Sit on the Ab-Gym with your back straight and your knees slightly bent. Lift your legs
until they are at right angles to your torso. Repeat this exercise 10 to 20 times, then rest
for 60 to 90 seconds. Beginners should repeat this session twice. If you are fairly fit you
should repeat it 3 times; if you train on a regular basis you should repeat it 4 times.