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Ingredients (serves 4):
8 slices of bread of your choice
butter or margarine
200 gr. cheese (you can also use Brie or goat's cheese!)
60 gr. shelled walnuts
8 slices ham or bacon
To prepare: Place a slice of bread on the plate, then add a few slices of cheese, a couple of walnuts and a
couple of slices of ham or bacon. Place the other slice of bread on top and close the Grill. The grilled
sandwich will be ready in a few minutes.
Ingredients for 4 persons: 400 gr. tenderloin in pieces, 400 gr. veal tenderloin, 1 melon, 1 dl ginger syrup,
1 sweet pepper, 1 onion, 1 white cabbage, 8 sjiitakè mushrooms.
Rice with peas: 400 gr. rice, 7 dl dasjii-komboe, 2 tablespoons saké, 50 gr. peas.
Goma-zoe sauce: 3 tablespoons white or black sesame seeds, 6 tablespoons soy sauce, 2 tablespoons
dasji, juice of 1 lemon.
To prepare meat and vegetables: Cut the tenderloin into one-inch blocks and arrange them on a decorative
plate. Cut the veal tenderloin into thin slices and arrange them on the plate as well. Remove the seeds
from the melon, peel off the skin, cut into wedges and spread the ginger syrup on the melon pieces. Cut
the onion and sweet pepper into rings (remove the seeds), remove the stems of the sjiitakès and slice the
cabbage into strips. Then place the vegetables on a dish.
To prepare the rice: Mix the rice with the saké and dasjii-komboe and let it stand for one hour. Then cook
the rice according to the directions on the package. When the rice is ready, mix in the peas.
Sear the meat briefly on both sides. Then grill the vegetables on the plate until crispy (stir now and then
with the wooden spatula). Finally, grill the melon on the plate, turning frequently. Serve this next to the
rice. Bon appetit!
The wires in the mains lead are coloured in accordance with the following code:
As the colours of the wire in the mains lead of this appliance may not correspond with the colour mar-
kings identifying the terminals on your plug, proceed as follows:
The wire which is coloured BLUE must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter N or
coloured black.
The wire which is coloured BROWN must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter L
or coloured red.
The wire which is coloured GREEN-YELLOW must be connected to the earth terminal which is marked
with the letter E or or coloured green and yellow.
With this appliance, if a 13 amp plug is used a 13 amp fuse should be fitted. If any other type of plug is used
a 15 amp fuse must be fitted either in the plug or at the distribution board.
Lisez attentivement ce mode d'emploi et conservez-le afin de pouvoir le consulter
ultérieurement si nécessaire. Assurez-vous que le voltage de votre logement correspond
à celui indiqué sur l'appareil. Raccordez l’appareil uniquement à une prise de terre.
Le Princess Classic Health Grill est un gril multifonctions qui convient pour préparer des
croque-monsieur, des grillades de viande, volaille, poisson, crustacés, snacks, légumes,
pommes de terre etc. Les plaques du gril sont rainurées afin que les aliments absorbent moins
de graisse ce qui donne un résultat plus léger. Le système suspendu unique en son genre
s’adapte automatiquement à l’épaisseur de l’aliment à griller. Le gril est pourvu d’un
revêtement antiadhésif de qualité supérieure, d’un lèchefrite, de voyants lumineux et d’une
poignée froide.

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