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1/4 pink grapefruit, pith and peel removed, segments separated
a few bean sprouts, thoroughly washed
Grapefruit-Ginger Dressing
1/2 teaspoons grapefruit juice
1/2 teaspoon olive oil
1 teaspoon white-wine vinegar
1/4 teaspoon chopped fresh ginger
Use the measuring cup to pour water into the metal container to hard 6 or medium 4. Season fish with
salt, pepper, cumin, and lime juice and steam on the steam plate until tender, about 6 minutes per side.
Set aside 10 minutes to cool. Mix dressing ingredients in a small bowl. With a fork, coarsely flake the
fish; toss with greens and just enough dressing to lightly coat leaves. Place the salad onto a plate.
Arrange avocado slices and grapefruit sections on top of each salad and drizzle lightly with dressing.
Top with bean sprouts.
Mushi Dori no Gomadare Salad
Sesame sauce using the juices from cooked chicken is so easy to prepare. This style of dressing with
sesame (gomadare) is very common in Japanese cooking and is used for both meat and vegetables.
This particular chicken dish makes a lovely appetizer, but it also goes very well with cold noodles.
1 spring onion
salt and pepper
1/2 small cucumbers
70 g boneless chicken thighs with skin
1/4 teaspoon sake
1/4 teaspoon sesame oil
small piece crushed ginger
For the Sesame Sauce:
1 teaspoon liquid made up from the juices of the cooked chicken (and water if necessary)
1 tablespoon sesame paste
1/2 tablespoon soy sauce
1/2 tablespoon superfine sugar
1 teaspoon rice vinegar
1/4 teaspoon chilli paste or to-ban-jan
1/2 tablespoon roughly ground sesame seeds
1/2 tablespoon finely shredded spring onions
1/2 teaspoon finely chopped ginger
1/2 teaspoon finely chopped garlic
1. Finely chop the spring onion diagonally, reserving the green part for use during cooking the chicken.
Soak in cold water for a few minutes to remove the bitterness of the onion, then drain and put aside
to use later.
2. On a chopping board, sprinkle the cucumbers with a few pinches of salt, rubbing it into the flesh,
then rinse. This lessens the aroma of the cucumber and gives it a good green colour. Hit
the cucumbers with a pestle (if you don't have a pestle, use a bottle) and break it apart
with your hands, to make uneven pieces.
3. Use the measuring cup to pour water into the metal container to hard 2 or medium 6.
Pierce the chicken pieces with a skewer and place on the steam plate. Add the salt,
pepper, and oil and then place the green part of the onion and the crushed ginger on top.
Steam the chicken until cooked. Leave to cool. Keep the juice from the chicken to use in
the sesame sauce.
4. Remove the chicken from the skewer and place in a serving dish. Mix in the cucumber
and put the chopped onion on top.
5. Mix all the ingredients for the sesame sauce in a small bowl and pour over the chicken
and cucumber.

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