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The alarm on your CO detector indicates that carbon monoxide is present, which can cause death. You
should never ignore the alarm on your detector!
When the detector alarm sounds:
1. Press the TEST/MENU button.
2. Call the emergency services or fire brigade.
3. Immediately leave through a door or window to the open air. Count everyone present and check that no-
body is missing. Do not return to the property and stay away from windows and doors until the emergency
services have arrived, your property has been ventilated and your detector is functioning normally.
4. If your detector has not responded within 24 hours, repeat steps 1 to 3. Call a certified engineer to investi-
gate where the carbon monoxide is concentrated or to check that appliances are working correctly. Check
that no motor vehicles are running or have been running in the vicinity of the detector.
Carbon monoxide is an invisible, odourless and tasteless gas that is produced by the incomplete combustion of
fossil fuels or when fossil fuels are exposed to heat. Household heating appliances are often sources of carbon
Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning:
Mild exposure: light headache, nausea, tiredness (flu feeling)
Medium exposure: Throbbing headache, dizziness, accelerated heart beat.
Extreme exposure: Convulsions, loss of consciousness, heart and lung failure
IMPORTANT: : Carbon monoxide detectors are designed to emit an alarm when there is immediate risk
to life. Since you cannot see or smell carbon monoxide, you should never presume that it is not present.
Exposure to 400 ppm of carbon monoxide can cause headaches after 35 minutes. After 2 hours, exposure
can lead to death.
Visit www.profile.eu for more information about carbon monoxide detectors.
Eltra nv guarantees that this product (excluding the battery) is free of material and manufactur-
ing defects when used normally for a period of 5 years from purchase. This period starts on the
original purchase date. Eltra nv is not bound to replace or repair the product in the case of damage
due to poor maintenance, improper use or modifications or changes made after the purchase date.
Neither can Eltra nv be held responsible for any damage or losses suffered, including accidents or
resulting damage that is directly or indirectly the consequence of a defect in this product. Never
repair this product yourself if it appears faulty. This will invalidate the guarantee. If the product
becomes defective in the period mentioned it will be replaced free of charge.
Take any defective appliance together with the original receipt back to the shop where the appli-
ance was sold. Always include a note describing the problem.

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