8.3 Adjust
This option allows you to adjust the following:
• Alert type: Determine whether the phone
must emit a call tone, must vibrate or
• Ring type: Determine whether the call
tone must sound once, must be repeated
or must start at a low volume and in-
crease in volume until answered.
• Ringtone: Determine which call tone
must be emitted for incoming calls.
• Ringtone volume: Determine how loud
the call tone must be.
• Message: Determine which notication
tone must be emitted for incoming text
• Message volume: Determine how loud
the message tone must be.
• Keypad: Use this option to determine
whether a click sound or a key tone must
be emitted when pressing buttons. You
can also have the phone announce the
numeric buttons when pressed or you
can mute the button tones entirely.