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28 Air dry for approxim ate ly 24 h ours, to e ns ure it is
com ple te ly dry be fore re us ing. Avoid dire ct sunligh t
and e xtre m e drying circum stance s (h air-drye r,e tc.).
If you w ish to use your appliance w h ile th e cartridge
filte r is drying, you m ay us e th e e xtra cartridge filte r
inse rte d in th e pack aging box *.
25 Ins e rt th e prote ctor m e sh into its place by push ing it
onto th e cartridge filte r.
24 Ins e rt th e cartridge filte r into its place (B) and turn it
clock w ise (A) as indicate d in th e icon.
22 Put th e filte r se t back into th e dust containe r.
21 Put th e dust containe r back into th e cle ane r.
Cartridge filte r re fe re nce num be r: F 133
29 O pe n th e filte r grill to re m ove th e e xh aus t filte r.
30 Re m ove th e e xh aus t filte r.
31 Rins e it unde r tap w ate r and dry it com ple te ly.
30 Put th e filte r back into th e cle ane r.
29 Close th e filte r grill.
Exh aust m icro filte r re fe re nce num be r: F133.1
Atte m pt to re cycle pack aging m ate rial and old
appliance s .
Th e cardb oard pack aging can be place d in th e w aste
pape r colle ction.
D e posit th e plas tic bag m ade of polye th yle ne (PE) at
th e PE colle ction point for re cycling.
D e posit th e polys tyre ne foam at th e PS colle ction point
for re cycling.
Re cycling th e Appliance at th e e nd of its life
Th e plastic com pone nts all carry a m ate rial
ide ntification m ark ing s o th at, lik e th e oth e r m ate rials ,
th e y can be re cycle d at th e e nd of th e life of th e
appliance .
Ple ase inq uire w ith your local auth ority.
Block e d air flow and dirty filte rs
Th e cle ane r stops autom atically if a block age occurs in
th e nozzle /tube /h os e or if th e filte rs are block e d w ith
32 If th e dustbin indicator is activate d th an firstly ch e ck th e
air inle t ch anne l of th e appliance . If it is clogge d by big
pie ce s of pape r, dust, h air or oth e r m ate rials th e n
cle an it. If afte r cle aning th e dustbin indicator staye s
activate d ch e ck th e H EPA.
D is conne ct from m ains and allow th e cle ane r to cool
for 20-30 m inute s. Re m ove block age and/or cle an
filte rs.
Re s tart th e cle ane r.
Th is appliance conform s w ith th e follow ing EC
D ire ctive s:
Low Voltage D ire ctive 2006/9 5/EC
EMC D ire ctive 89 /336/EEC w ith am e ndm e nts
9 2/31/EEC and 9 3/68/EEC
Th e sym bol on th e product or on its pack aging
indicate s th at th is product m ay not be tre ate d as
h ous e h old w aste . Inste ad it s h all be h ande d ove r to th e
applicable colle ction point for th e re cycling of e le ctrical
and e le ctronic e q uipm e nt. By e ns uring th is product is
dispos e d of corre ctly, you w ill h e lp pre ve nt pote ntial
ne gative conse q ue nce s for th e e nvironm e nt and
h um an h e alth , w h ich could oth e rw is e be caus e d by
inappropriate w aste h andling of th is product. For m ore
de taile d inform ation about re cycling of th is product,
ple as e contact your local city office , your h ouse h old
w aste dispos al s e rvice or th e sh op w h e re you
purch as e d th e product.
* D e pe nding on th e m ode l

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