This product contains non-fluorinated greenhouse
gas (hermetically sealed) which is dangerous for
the environment and contributes to global warming
if released to the atmosphere.
Refrigerant type: R290
Global warming potential (GWP): 3
Refrigerant leakage contributes to climate change.
Refrigerant with lower global warming potential
(GWP) would contribute less to global warming
than a refrigerant with higher GWP, if leaked to
the atmosphere.
This product contains a refrigerant fluid with a
GWP equal to 3. This means that if 1 kg of this
refrigerant fluid would be leaked to the
atmosphere, the impact on global warming
would be 3 times higher than 1 kg of CO2,
over a period of 100 years. Never try to interfere
with the refrigerant circuit yourself or disassemble
the product yourself and always ask a professional.
Ce produit contient du gaz a effet de serre
non-fluore (scelle hermetiquement) dangereux
pour l'environnement et qui contribue au
rechauffement de la planete s‘ il est diffuse dans
Type de refrigerant : R290 Potentiel de
rechauffement global (PRG) : 3