Display & Controls
Your Quingo has many features that other scooters do not have. It is important that you
understand all the functions.
The multi-feature digital dash/ LCD display: Insert the ignition key and turn the switch
to the right and the display will light up. The only information you need to know for now is
the following:
• The top right of the display in the photograph below is showing 07c. This is the
temperature gauge, and it will indicate the current outside temperature.
• Below this is a box with “- +” and six vertical bars. This is the battery indicator and
when these boxes disappear starting from right to left, the battery is running down.
Do not let the bars drop below 3 before returning home and recharging.
Note for Reading the Battery Indicator
ALL battery indicators are not 100% accurate. The recommended way of reading the
available charge in your scooter is to find a piece of flat ground clear of obstacles. Switch
the scooter to full speed and pull in the throttle fully. Check the reading on the display,
which will give your current battery state.