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You should install the Radical Audio RA160.2M mid/woofers into car specific
Before installation, be sure that the mid/woofers will not interfere with
the front window or door mechanism!
a Mount the doorboard kit to each of both front doors and make sure, that there
are no gaps or holes, that could lead to pressure leakage. It is of greatest
importance to mount the doorboards with foam sealing strip or silicone, so the
fit is absolutely airtight.
s Place the Radical Audio RA160.2M mid/woofer over the mounting hole and
see if the frame fits properly to the speaker cutout. Now mark the mounting
holes for the mid/woofer baskets, using a waterproof Edding marker or
something similar. Pre-drill the mounting holes using a 3 mm drill bit.
d If the available clearance between the surround of the mid/woofer and the
grille of the doorboard is sufficient, you can use the "mass-belt"
steel rings supplied with this set. The rings are "sandwiched" between the
mounting surface (doorboard) and the mid/woofer units. The advantage is a
totally even/level mounting surface, as well as a considerably increased
mass-reactance, audibly reducing unwanted panel vibrations.
f Attach the speaker wires to both mid/woofer units. ATTENTION!: The speaker
wire coming from the crossover, attached to the output MID/WOOFER must
be connected to the mid/woofer which is located in the front part of the door.
The speaker wire attached to the output of the crossover designated WOOFER
must be connected to the mid/woofer unit that sits more in the rear part of
the door. Don’t mix this up, a very poor sound quality would result!!!
Double-check for correct speaker polarity! Place the mid/woofers into
the cut-outs and fix them with the provided screws.
DDoonn''tt ffoorrggeett ttoo uussee tthhee ssuupppplliieedd ffooaamm ggaasskkeett ffoorr aann aaiirrttiigghhtt sseeaall!! AAtttteennttiioonn:: BBee
ccaarreeffuull nnoott ttoo bbeenndd tthhee mmiidd//wwooooffeerr ssppeeaakkeerr ffrraammee wwhheenn ttiigghhtteenniinngg uupp tthhee
ssccrreewwss!! TThhee ppllaassttiicc iinnjjeeccttiioonn bbaasskkeett mmaayy bbrreeaakk,, iiff tthhee uunnddeerrggrroouunndd iiss nnoott lleevveell
oorr tthhee mmoouunnttiinngg ssccrreewwss aarree nnoott ttiigghhtteenneedd uupp ssyymmmmeettrriiccaallllyy!!
g Mount the grilles supplied with the doorboards. While doing this, check for the
clearance between surround and backside of the grilles. At least 6mm of
clearance - i.e. distance of surround to any part inside the grille - is necessary!
This allows for proper cone travel of the mid/woofer. If necessary, place the
mass-belt ring on top of the mid/woofer, to gain distance to the grille.
RA162.3 Manual 16.07.2002 18:25 Uhr Seite 6

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