Seatrial and Calibration
4 Seatrial and Calibration
Once the Micronet system has been installed on the vessel and Auto
Networking has been completed it is necessary to carry out Calibration.
IItt iiss nnoott ssaaffee ttoo uussee tthhee ddiissppllaayyss ffoorr nnaavviiggaattiioonnaall ppuurrppoosseess uunnttiill
CCaalliibbrraattiioonn hhaass bbeeeenn ccaarrrriieedd oouutt ccoorrrreeccttllyy..
4.1 Depth Offset
The default depth offset is -3.5 feet (a keel offset of 3.5 feet). By setting
a +ve or - ve offset the display can show the depth below the waterline
or below the keel respectively.
Press and hold the button for 2 seconds to enter Setup
Press the button repeatedly to scroll to the SETUP DEPTH chapter
Press the button to advance to the Keel/Waterline Offset page
Press the button to enter Edit Mode
Press the and buttons to change the value
Press the button to exit Edit Mode
Press and hold the button to exit Setup and return to
normal operation.