Note the transition of false color in the clouds, indicating clip point was almost reached, the
light grey chair is exposed at approximately 18% gray, and the foliage falls in the shadows.
Edge Highlight
With Edge Highlight selected, items that are in focus are outlined in red over monochrome.
Analysis Menu
Meter: allows the operator to choose an “always on” signal analysis. Selections include Spot
Meter, Luma Histogram, RGB Histogram and MONO (RGB without color) Histogram.
If Spot Meter is selected, a red rectangular box will appear centered on the center cursor of
the image. The size of this sample box can be adjusted by rotating the Joystick, and its loca-
tion can be adjusted by moving the joystick in X and Y directions. Press the joystick to fix the
sample box. The average IRE value of the pixels in the sample box is shown in the lower sec-
tion of the full camera display.
If Luma, Mono or RGB Histogram is selected, a corresponding histogram illustrates the expo-
sure distribution. A Clip Meter (like a traffic light – but red, blue and green) compliments the
histograms. When either of the R, G, and B channels have 1% of their pixels at maximum (clip)
value, the corresponding channel clip light will illuminate.