4. Options - Use Film Index: Use the number assigned to the slide based on it’s
position in the cartridge.
5. Choose the le type , “TIF” or “JPG”. (TIF uncompressed or JPG Compressed-
Choose image quality for JPEG. (20-100) 100 o ers the least amount of compres-
1. Select Browse and choose the designated folder to save the scanned
2. Enter the le name.
3. Trailing Index after Base File Name Digits: De nes the length of the le
STEP 5 – Set Scan Preferences
Set Scan Settings
Default Scanning
Color Depth
per RGB channel
Color Mode
Film Size
File Size*
1000dpi 8 bit 24-bit 35 3.93 MB
1000dpi 8 bit 24-bit 60 x 45 11.97 MB
1000dpi 8 bit 24-bit 60 x 60 15.96 MB
1000dpi 8 bit 24-bit 60 x 70 18.63 MB
1000dpi 8 bit 24-bit 60 x 90 23.94 MB
1000dpi 8 bit 24-bit 60 x 120 31.92 MB
1000dpi 16 bit 48-bit 35 7.87 MB
1000dpi 16 bit 48-bit 60 x 45 23.95 MB
1000dpi 16 bit 48-bit 60 x 60 31.92 MB
1000dpi 16 bit 48-bit 60 x 70 37.21 MB
1000dpi 16 bit 48-bit 60 x 90 47.89 MB
1000dpi 16 bit 48-bit 60 x 120 63.85 MB
* for TIFF =
uncompressed format, higher resolution will create larger le sizes.
NOTE: Make sure there is enough space available on the computer when changing
the Scanning Resolution. A high scanning resolution results in large les that
may prove di cult to save.
Select Scan - Preference - Film Type - Scan Setting
c. Note: Color image le size of di erent resolutions and color depths:
The Film Scanner color depth is 48 bit true color
The scanning software has the capability of selecting 8 bit color mode or 16 bit
color mode when scanning, This will produce 24 or 48 bit color images, 8 bits or 16
bits per Red, Green and Blue color channels
8 bit mode = 8 Red, 8 Green, and 8 Blue for a total of 24 bit color
16 bit mode = 16 Red, 16 Green, and 16 Blue for a total of 48 bit color