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Using the Remote Control to Address Mulple Sub-Bass Systems
Theaddressselecon isaccessedon theremotecontrolunit byremovingtheboomaluminum coverin
thesame wayas outlinedinthe secon“BaeryInstallaon”.Removingthe coverwill reveala smallrotary
switchlabeled ADDRESS”nexttothe baery holder.Factorysengis posion“0”.With theremotecontrol
unitpoweredoff(lockedmode), thisswitchcanbe rotatedusing asmall sloedscrewdriverto selectoneof
sixteenpossibleaddressposions, “0”through“F”. Onceaselecon hasbeen made,replacetheback cover
andturn theremotecontroluniton (unlockedmode). Atthis pointtheremotecontrolwill notoperatethe
subwoofer. Inordertopair theremotecontrolunitwith thesub-bass system,point theremotecontrol
unitsemier at theLEDdisplayand holdthe PHASEswitchfor5 seconds.TheLED underthe CROSSOVER
controlwill flashonceand thedisplayon thesub-basssystemwill read“- --” followedbya confirmaon
nongthe selectedaddress. The sub-basssystemis nowpairedwiththe specificremotecontrolunit and
willnot funconwitha differentremote. In asystemwith mulplesub-basssystems,change eachaddress
theaddressesof mulpleunits.
RELproductsarenot tradionalsubwoofers,but trueSub-BassSystems.A RELis designedtoaugmentthe
performanceof “fullrange”speakersystemsinordertoprovide,in certain cases,linear responsedown to
below12 Hz.Therefore,forthe moment,set asideeverythingyou’vebeen taught aboutsubwoofersand
differsfromconvenonalsubwoofers.AREL willtakeadvantageof physicsand roomacouscstoprovide
deeppressurizaonas notradionalsubwoofercan. Itisimportantthatyoubring totheset-upprocessa
willingnesstodo thingsa liledifferentlyinordertoobtainthese superiorresults.The endresultofyour
laborswill bean uerlyseamless integraon oftruedeep basstoa soundsystem,regardlessof themain
speakers’low basscapability.
Basicset-up shouldtakenomorethan tentofieenminutestoaccomplish onceconnected.
REL Set-Up Made Simple

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