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connecttheremainingblack leadtothe negave(black)terminalon therearof thespeaker.The purpose
themain system nowhas.Locaonshould beanywherefromthe oppositecornerofthe frontwallto
somewherein themiddle ofthefrontwall,listenforbestintegraonwith thecenterchannelspeaker.
Somepeople prefertouse theREL asan actualpedimentorstandfortheircenterchannel speaker,the
choiceis yours.Again,thisunit neednot beanexactduplicateof theprimary RELbut shouldbechosen
forits acouscability tomateseamlessly withyourcenterchannel.
First,carefullyset-upand dial-intheprimaryREL, thenmovetothe rearREL andbalance thisagainstthe
mainREL. Caremust be taken toensurephaseis idencalon bothRELs asaccidentallyreversingphaseof
onerelaveto theotherwill resultin adramacreducon inbassoutput. Finally, carefullydial-in the
performanceof thecenterchannelsub. Hint:tomakethis easier,once theprimary RELhas beendialed
in,unplug itfromthesystemusing theSpeakon conneconand dial-inthe rear, followedbythe center
rightmainsand theprimary REL.Next,tuneonly therearsurroundsand therearREL.Finally, listento
andtune onlythecenterchannel withthecenterREL.
Whenyouhaveaccomplishedthis task, plugallthreeunits inand re-check yourgainsengsas the
andmethodicallytoreducethesengsonprimary,thenrear, andfinallycenterchannelRELsandina few
minutesbalanceshould berestored.However, thenetresultof allyourtuning willbea soundthatuerly
immersesthe theaterowner inarich naturalwashof bassthatsuffuses theroomeffortlessly,ratherthan
whatisoenexperiencedas toolouda bassbalance pushinguncomfortablyatthe listener.
Running In
Caretaken overrunningin willberewardedby manyyearsofpleasurableuse.Both theelectronicsand the
driveunitwill benefitfromaninial periodofcarefullycontrolleduse. Possibledamage maybe sustained
byrunning intheunit attoohigha volumesengoveran extendedperiod. Onthe otherhand,by takinga
lilecareoverthisinial period,about 24hoursofactual use,alonger lifewith ahigherpotenaleventual
performanceis assured.

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