2Intherearcorner(ideally that which is opposite the primary sub), connect a second REL to the rear
speakersusing RELTheater Referenceconnecvity. The purpose of the rear channel REL is to ensure
properfront-to-rear balance and weight;toooenvirtuallyALLthepowerand weight in a theater
comesfromthe frontanditproducesunnaturalweighngas well as hot spots. By placing a rear REL
diagonallyopposite,basstransects the roomonatangent and has the effectofgreatlysmoothing
overallin-roomresponse of yourRELs. This unit need not be aduplicate of yourprimary REL, instead
itshouldmatchwellwith your surroundspeakers.
3Connecttothecenter channel a thirdRELusing ONLYtheHIGHLEVELconnecon.Thismaybe easily
accomplishedbyconnecngdirectlyto the connecon terminalson the rearofthecenterchannel
speaker.Todo so,firsttwist the redandyellowleadstogetherand connecttotheposiveterminal,
thenconnecttheremainingblackleadtothenegave(black)terminalon the rear of the speaker. The
purposeofthe third“center” REL is to ensurethe centerchannelcankeep upwiththescale,weight
anddynamicsthe main systemnowhas.Locaonshould beanywhere fromtheoppositecornerof the
front walltosomewhere in the middle of thefront wall,listen forbestintegraonwith the center
channelspeaker.Some people prefertousetheRELas an actual pedimentor standfortheir center
channel,thechoice is yours.Again,this unit need NOTbeanexactduplicateof the primary REL but
shouldbechosen foritsacousc ability to mateseamlesslywithyourcenterchannel.
totheotherwillresultinadramacreduconinbassoutput.Finally,carefullydial in the performanceof
thecenterchannel sub.Hint:Tomake this easier,oncetheprimaryRELhas been dialed in, unplug it using
theSpeakonconneconfromthe system and dial in the rear,followedbythecenter channel REL.
Genuinescklers forperfeconfind it easiesttotuneinsecons.Forexample,connectONLYthe L/R mains
andtheprimary REL. Next, tune ONLYtherearsurrounds and the rearREL. Finally,listento and tune ONLY
thecenterchannel withthecenterREL.