Disconnect the appliance from the power supply, putting the external disconnec-2.
tion switch in the OFF position (see GS in Figure 5.3 Electrical wiring diagram → 32)
provided in the appropriate panel by the installation technician.
Close the gas valve.3.
Do not leave the appliance connected to power and gas supply if it is expected to remain
inactive for a long period.
If you wish to disconnect the appliance during the winter, one of the following two con-
ditions must be met:
make sure that the hydraulic plant connected to the appliance contains an ad-1.
equate percentage of glycol antifreeze (see Paragraph 4.6 FILLING OF HYDRAULIC
CIRCUIT → 28 and Table 4.2 Technical data for filling the hydraulic circuit → 27);
activate the antifreeze function, which runs the circulation pumps and the appli-2.
ance when water temperature is below 4°C or in case the outdoor temperature is
lower than 2 °C. To do this, contact your installer. This function requires the appli-
ance to be ALWAYS powered up (electricity and gas) and power failures excluded.
Otherwise the manufacturer declines all contractual and extra-contractual li-
ability for consequent damage.
Connecting the appliance before it is used again (to be carried out by the instal ler)
Before starting this procedure, the hydraulic system installation technician must:
check if the appliance needs maintenance (please contact Technical Assistance or •
refer to Section 8 MAINTENANCE → 62);
check that the water content of the plant is correct; if necessary, top up the cir-•
cuit to at least the minimum quantity (see Paragraph 4.6 FILLING OF HYDRAULIC
CIRCUIT → 28);
if necessary add, to the water of the system (free of impurities), inhibited monoeth-•
ylene glycol antifreeze in a quantity in proportion to the MINIMUM winter temper-
ature in the area of installation (see Table 4.2 Technical data for filling the hydraulic
circuit → 27);
bring the plant to the correct pressure, making sure that the pressure of the water •
in the plant is not less than 1 bar and not over 2 bar;
• In case of winter saesonal switch-off or long period of stopping, we suggest to not
empty the hydraulic circuit: in that case possible oxidation process can occur.This
oxidation process could damage both the hydraulic system and also the Remeha
heat pump.It’s important to verify that no leakages occur in the hydraulic circuit
that may empty part of the system. The above recommendation is necessary in
order to avoid to fill continuously with water that may imply the additional intro-
duction of oxygen and the consequent dilution of the used inhibitor, for ex glycol.
In case of precence of glycol, Remeha advices to use inhibited glycol. Galvanized
pipes are not recommended, as they are not compatible with glycol.
You will need: the appliance disconnected from the electricity/gas supply
open the plant gas supply valve to the appliance and make sure that there is no 1.
smell of gas (indicating possible leaks);
if you smell gas, close the gas valve again immediately without operating any oth-
er electrical device and, from a safe place, request the assistance of professionally
qualified personnel.