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Before you start using the i-Light:
Be sure to read all Warnings and Safety Information. Before you begin, check to see if i-Light is suitable
for you.
Use the skin chart provided on the box and at the front of this manual and the integrated skin sensor to
determine if this device is right for you.
, Skin Type
See the skin colour chart on page 2.
• Donotuseonnaturallydarkskin(FitzpatricktypeVandVI),asitmayresultinburns,blistersand
changes in skin colour.
• Donotuseontannedskinorafterrecentsunexposure,asitmaycauseburnsorskininjury.
• i-Lightisnoteectiveonnaturallywhite,grey,blondeorredbodyorfacialhair.
, Areas not to treat:
• Donotuseonthescalporears.
• Donotuseonmalefaceorneck.
• Donotuseabovethecheekbone(femalefacialuse).
• Donotuseonthelips-astheskintonemaybetoodarkfortreatment.
• Donotuseonnipples,areolaorgenitals.
• Donotuseifyouhavetattoosorpermanentmakeupintheareatobetreated.
• Donotuseondarkbrownorblackspotssuchasmoles,birthmarksorfreckles.
• Donotuseonanareaofrecentsurgery,deeppeel,laserresurfacing,scarsorskinthathasbeen
damaged with burns or scalds.
, When not to use/When to avoid using i-Light
• Donotuseifyouarepregnantorbreastfeeding.
• Donotuseifyouhavebeenexposedtosunorarticialtanninginthepast4weeks.
• Donotuseondryorfragileskincausedbytheuseofchemicalpeels,glycolicpeelsorAlphaHydroxy
Acids (AHAs).
• Donotashmorethanonceonthesameareaasthismaycauseburns.
• Donotuseonthesameareaofyourskinmorethanonceaweek.
• Donotuseforatleast14daysfollowingmicrodermabrasiontreatment.
• Donotuseifyouarealreadyundertakingpermanenthairremovaltreatments.
• Donotuseifyouhaveaskindiseasesuchasactiveskincancer,ifyouhaveahistoryofskincanceror
any other localized cancer in the areas to be treated, or if you have pre-cancerous lesions or multiple
atypical moles in the areas to be treated.
• Donotuseifyouhaveepilepsywithashlightsensitivity.
• Donotuseifyouhaveahistoryofcollagendisorder,includingahistoryofkeloidscarformationora
history of poor wound healing.
• Donotuseifyouhaveahistoryofvasculardisorder,suchasthepresenceofvaricoseveinsorvascular
ectasia in the areas to be treated.
• Donotuseifyourskinissensitivetolightandcausesarashoranallergicreaction.Ifyouaretaking
photosensitising agents or medications, check the package insert of the medicine. Never use the unit
if it can cause photo-allergic reactions or phototoxic reactions or if you should avoid sun whilst taking
a medication.
• Donotuseifyouhavediabetes,lupuserythematodes,porphyriaorcongestiveheartdisease.
• Donotuseonareasofyourskinwhicharecurrentlybeingtreatedwithorhaverecentlybeentreated
with Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs), Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs), topical isotretinoin and azelaic acid.
• Donotuseifyouhavetakenoralisotretinoinaccutaneoraoaccutaneinthelastsixmonths.This
treatment can make skin more susceptible to tears, wounds and irritations.
• Donotuseifyouhaveanybleedingdisorderortakeanticoagulationmedications,includingheavyuse
of aspirin, in a manner which does not allow for a minimum 1-week washout period prior to
each treatment.
• Donotuseifyouhaveinfections,eczema,burns,inamedfollicles,openlacerations,abrasions,
surgeries, herpes simplex, wounds or lesions and haematomas in the areas to be treated.
• Donotuseonthefaceifyouhaveahistoryofcoldsores;useofIPLoranytreatmentthatirritatesskin
can cuase a recurrence of cold sores.
• Donotuseifyouhaveahistoryofimmunosuppressivedisease(includingHIVinfectionorAIDS)orif
you take immunosuppressive medications.
• Donotusewhenyouareonpainkillers,whichreducethesensitivitytoheat.
• Donotuseifyouuselong-lastingdeodorants.Thiscanresultinskinreactions.
• Donotuseoverornearanythingarticialsuchassiliconimplants,Implanoncontraceptiveimplants,
, Familiarise yourself with the features of your new i-Light device
The i-Light PRO system is a revolutionary light-based device designed for the removal of unwanted body
hair and female facial hair at home.
, Flash Window (fig. 1-12)
of light to pass from the hand piece to your skin and hair follicles.
F WARNING: always inspect the Flash Window before use to ensure there is no damage to the lens.
F WARNING: always clean the Flash Window before use with the lint-free cloth provided to ensure
there is no oil or debris on the lens.
, Skin Contact Sensor (fig. 1- 13&20)
The Skin Contact Sensor is a safety mechanism that prevents the device from accidental activation. In
order for the device to activate, the Skin Contact Sensor must be fully depressed against the skin.
, Flash Button (fig. 1-5)
fully engaged and press the Flash Button.

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