This prevents the vehicle being
driven by anyone not in possession
of the vehicle’s coded ignition key.
The vehicle is automatically protected
a few seconds after the engine is
switched off.
Any unauthorised work
carried out on the engine
immobiliser (computers,
wiring, etc.) could be dan-
gerous. Work must be carried out
by qualified personnel.
Operating principle
When the engine is started, warning
light 1 remains lit for a few seconds
then goes out (refer to the information
on “Starting the engine” in Section 2).
If the code is not recognised, the warn-
ing light flashes rapidly and the vehicle
will not start.
Vehicle protection tell-tale light
After the ignition has been switched off,
warning light 1 flashes and the vehicle
is protected.
Operating fault warning light
If the warning light continues to flash or
stays lit up permanently following an at-
tempt to start the engine, this indicates
a fault in the system.
In this case, use the second key (sup-
plied with the vehicle). If the fault is still
present, contact your approved Dealer
as only an approved Dealer is quali-
fied to repair the engine immobiliser