These warranty conditions are only valid for the following countries: Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Separate conditions imposed by the importer apply for all
other countries. In case of doubt as well as missing or incorrect translations, the German version is the only valid one.
For the purpose of timely damage limitation the claimant is required to file the warranty claim with the RIKA dealer in writing, submitting the invoice and stating the
purchase date, model name, serial number and reason for complaint.
5 years on the welded stove body. This exclusively applies to defects in materials and workmanship as well as free replacement. Labour and travel times are not
included in the manufacturer’s warranty.
Only original parts supplied by the manufacturer should be used. Loss of warranty on non-observance!
The precondition for the warranty is that the stove has been installed and commissioned properly according to the User and installation manuals valid at the time
of purchase. Connection must be performed by a specialist for such stoves.
Any costs incurred by the manufacturer due to unjustified warranty claims are to be charged to the claimant.
Wear parts and parts affected by fire are excluded, such as glass, coating, surface coatings (e.g. handles, panels), seals, fire trough, grates,
combustion chamber sensors and temperature controller.
Also excluded from this warranty are all damages arising from non-observance of the manufacturer’s operating instructions of the unit, or damage caused by
overheating, use of nonapproved fuels, unauthorised tampering with the appliance or the flue gas pipe, electrical excess voltage, an incorrect, insufficient or
excessive flue draught, condensation, non-performance or deficient maintenance and cleaning, nonobservance of the relevant and applicable building regulations,
incorrect operation by the user or third parties, as well as any transport and handling damage.
This manufacturer‘s warranty does not affect the statutory warranty provisions.
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