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Model menu
This menu is
used for setting
up a mixer
which causes
all the wing
flaps to be
ed to
ease wing
camber and
thereby maxi-
mise lift.
The travels for
all the control
surfaces can be
set in the ‘up’ or
‘down’ direc-
tion, to ensure that the mixer can generate the optimum wing
geometry for all flight tasks. The servo travels and directions of
rotation can be set accurately using a mixer curve. It is also
possible to program a delay time, define the servo transit
speed and select a mixer trigger switch.
Mark the ‘Spoiler’ option in the Model menu. The screen now
looks like this:
The adjustment facilities are extremely comprehensive, but
they are arranged in just as logical a manner as all the other
menus described up to this point.
As you would expect, this mixer function first has to be activa-
ted in the Status line. Mark the field, and the same field then
displays ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’ instead of ‘INA’ (inactive), according to
the position of the switch.
The effects and method of setting the ‘Glob’ or ‘Sepa’ mode
have already been described; the function is programmed
using the appropriate switch field in the second line.
Use the familiar method to define a switch for triggering the
mixer: mark the appropriate field and define the switch and its
direction of operation in the switch select menu which now
appears. The default is ‘NONE’, i.e. the mixer is constantly
switched on.
You can program a delay time for each channel, so that there
is a smooth transition when you switch modes, rather than an
abrupt change. The first step here is to mark the ‘flight mode
delay’ line. You can now enter a setting using the arrow but-
tons. The adjustment range is 0 to 27 increments; the higher
the number, the longer the delay time. The maximum delay
time (27 increments) corresponds to a duration of nine
seconds. It is possible to assign a special switch which can be
used to turn the delay off for particular situations. This is effec-
ted by defining a switch in the bottom line.
In the second frame the AFR settings are entered for the cam-
ber-changing flap mixer. This sub-menu is accessed by mar-
king the ‘Spoiler AFR’ field; the screen display now looks like
The AFR curve is programmed exactly as described in Section
17.2 on page 57.
The mixer curves can be set up and the servo travels entered
individually for the ailerons, the spoiler flaps, the brake flaps
and also for the elevators. Mark the appropriate line in the
separate ‘Curve and rate’ field. In each case a new display
appears in which you can program the mixer curve in the usual
manner, working separately for the left and right sides of the
curve. An ‘Offset’ and / or an ‘X-offset’ curve shift can be
implemented in the usual manner.
In a separate frame, the servo travels can be entered individu-
ally as percentage values, e.g. for all four aileron servos. In the
same display the servo transit speed can also be pro-
grammed. You can enter a speed separately for the ‘there’ and
‘back’ directions. The adjustment range is 0 to 27 increments.
Please note: the higher the number, the more slowly the servo
moves. The maximum value (27 increments) corresponds to a
duration of nine seconds. The arrow buttons are used to make
any adjustments. The default value is always ‘0’. Pressing the
‘Reset’ button restores the default setting.
The screen shows a typical display relating to this program-
ming procedure.
Finally, please note that the programming options and the
actual appearance of the screen display may vary slightly
according to the model type and wing type you have selected.
Tip aileron
Brake flaps
V-tail Ailvator

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