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The transmitter batteries included with your 6EX-2.4GHz system are rechargeable, NiCd (nickel-cadmium, pronounced ni-
kad) batteries. NiCd batteries require special care and charging.
Read the charging instructions carefully.
NOTE: The batteries are supplied partially charged, but will require a full, overnight charge before the model may be flown.
1. Connect the
transmitter charging cord coming from the A/C wall charger to the charge jack in the right side of the
transmitter case. The receiver charging cord may be connected to the batteries two different ways: The charge cord may be
connected directly to the battery pack, or to the vacant charge connector (black) coming from the on/off switch in the model.
Charging “through the switch” is preferred as there will be no need to disconnect the battery.
2. Plug the A/C wall charger into a wall outlet.
Note: If the wall outlet can be turned off by a switch in the room, be certain the
switch remains on after leaving the room. Otherwise, the batteries will not be charged!
3. The LEDs (light-emitting diodes) should light red, indicating that current is flowing and the batteries are being charged.
Discharged batteries will take about 15 hours to fully charge. If using an aftermarket fast charger, be certain to follow
the manufacturer’s instructions provided with the charger so you do not overcharge the batteries. NEVER charge
the batteries at a rate higher than 1,000mAh. The batteries should also be discharged periodically to prevent a condition
called “memory. If, for example, only two flights are made each time you go flying, the batteries will not have “reached”
very far down into their full capacity. After doing this several times the batteries will “remember” and eventually “think” they
can supply only enough power for two flights. After two flights the batteries may not provide enough power to operate the
system, thus causing a crash. To erase any potential memory, cycle the batteries by discharging, then charging them with a
commercial battery cycler, or leave the system on and exercise the servos by moving the transmitter sticks until the servos
are moving very slowly, indicating that the battery is discharged. Cycling should be done every one to two months, even
during the winter or periods of long storage. If using a cycler with a readout, note the capacity after the batteries have been
cycled. If there is a noticeable drop in capacity the batteries should be replaced.
Note: Charging your batteries with the included Futaba A/C battery charger is always safe. However, fast-charging with
an aftermarket charger is acceptable as long as you know how to properly operate the charger. NEVER charge at a rate
higher than 1,000 mAh (1 Amp). If not done correctly, fast-charging can damage the batteries.

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