<Model Basic Setting Procedure>
1. Model addition and selection
Initially, the T8FG assigns the first model to
model-01 in the transmitter. The Model Select
function of the Linkage Menu is used to add
models and to select amongst models which are
already set.
The T8FG is capable of storing data for up to 20
models in its internal memory. Additional model
data can also be saved to an optional SD card.
The currently selected model name is displayed
in the center of the home screen. Before ying and
before changing any settings, always confirm the
model name.
When a new model is added, the Model type
select screen and FASST mode/Area select setup
screen automatically appear. Please be aware that
the transmitter will stop transmitting temporarily
when you change the model.
2. Model type selection
Select the model type matched to the aircraft
with the Model Type select function of the Linkage
Menu. For an airplane, select the model type from
among the 2 types: airplane and glider. And then
select the wing type and the tail type matched to
the aircraft.
3. Fuselage linkage
Connect the ailerons, elevators, throttle, rudder,
etc. in accordance with the model's instruction
manual. For a description of the connection
Airplane/glider basic setting procedure
method, see the Receiver and Servos Connection.
Note that even for the same "airplane
model", when the wing type and tail type
are different, the channel assignment may
be different. (The channel assigned to each
function can be checked at the Function
menu of the Linkage Menu.)
● Ifthedirectionoftheservoisincorrect,adjust
the direction with the Reverse function of the
Linkage Menu.
● Adjust the neutral position and control
surface angle with the linkage, and fine
tune them with the Sub-Trim and End Point
functions (angle adjustment). To protect the
linkage, a limit position can also be set with
the End Point function. The End Point function
can adjust the amount of up/down and left/
right movement and limit of each channel.
4. Throttle cut setting (Airplane)
Throttle cut can be performed with one touch by a
switch without changing the throttle trim position.
Set throttle cut with the Throttle Cut function of
the Linkage Menu. After activating the throttle cut
function and selecting the switch, adjust the throttle
position so that the carburetor becomes fully closed.
For safety, the throttle cut function operates the
throttle stick in the 1/3 or less (slow side) position.