After the first cleaning, the robot cleaner will scan and partition the room into a smart map, and clean
it according to the method of first along the walls and then in the bow shape. After the cleaning is
completed the robot cleaner will automatically return to base station.
4. Cleaning a localized area
When the main unit is in Standby mode or paused, press the Spot button to start cleaning a
localized area. The cleaning area is a 1.6 m x 1.6 m square centered on the main unit. After
cleaning, the main unit automatically docks.
Cleaning a localized area
5. Operation failure
When there is an abnormality in the operation of the robot cleaner, the switch button
indicator light flashes white quickly and voice broadcasts, please refer to this manual on
how to troubleshoot the robot cleaner to solve abnormal problems.
6. Dormant
If there is no operation after more than 10 minutes, the robot cleaner will automatically
enter the dormant state, press any key to restart.
7. Automatic dust collection
After the cleaning is completed, the robot cleaner will automatically return to the base
station for charging and dust collection.
8. Reset button
When the button does not respond or doesn’t power on, reset the system by pressing the
reset button (see page 4 for details), the robot cleaner will automatically reset and start.
after resetting the schedule, cleaning order and cleaning mode settings of the appliance
will be cleared, and WiFi will be reset.
Area 1Area 2
Area 3Area 4
1. It is recommended to place the robot cleaner in the base station charging position to start cleaning;
2. When the power is insufficient during the cleaning process, the robot cleaner will automatically return to the base station to recharge and return to the last break point to resume cleaning
after sufficient power is replenished;
3. Before using the product, clear the area to be cleaned. Arrange the furniture and other household items neatly and remove power cords and small items from the ground to prevent the
obstructions of the appliance during cleaning;
4. Do not stand in front of the appliance when it is cleaning, lest it cannot identify the area to be cleaned.
Recharge button
Area cleaning button
Short press to clean the area and automatically
recharge after cleaning
Short press to recharge
Short press for overall cleaning and automatic
recharge after cleaning
Long press to power on/off
Switch button
Short press to pause cleaning
Short press to pause cleaning
2. Charging
Power on: long press the switch button, the switch button indicator lights up and the appliance
enters standby state.
Shut down: long press the switch button, the indicator light slowly goes out and shutsdown.
After cleaning, the robot cleaner will automatically return to clean the base station and recharge.
If the robot cleaner does not start cleaning from the base station the recharge function may fail
and you may need to manually place it on the base station.
When the robot cleaner is charging, the switch button is always on and the power-on/off indicator
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